Grabs the towel off the rack and wraps it around my waist, running my hand through my tousled wet hair, I make my way into the living room and over to the kitchen to grab a bottle from the fridge”Damn I feel good ” laughs heading to the couch and plopping down on it.”Chill zone”
-I come out of the room running a lint remover over my suit and leave it on the bar when I step around it to pour a drink. Watching V over the top of my glass as I tip it back. I set it back down and spin it around a few times before finally saying something- I need to go somewhere are you up for a road trip?
Cocks my head to the side taking in Butch’s appearance, a easy flow laugh fills the air “yeah I can be down with that as long as you don’t expect me to dress like that ” Waves my hand over the impecable suit ” Do you not feel like your choking in that stuff “
-Grinning and trying to hide my nervousness- No, you can wear whatever you like. Aside from your birthday suit, feel the need to add that in there. -Reaching inside my suit and pulling out a cigarette holder- I like suits, V. I’ve never been able to dress nice before and I like it. -lighting up my smoke- So get off my dick about it.
Cocks brow eyeing Butch even closer, sensing something ” Good, not sure I can pull that look off like you do ” Sets the bottle down on the table and gets up, making my way to stand in front of Butch ” I’ll let the suit thing go but I’ll never get off your dick. “Grins leaning in only slightly to inhale the heady scent of Butch a moment before grunting and turning on my bare heals heading to my room, and dropping the towel as I grab some black jeans and an even blacker T-shirt. making quick work I pull my boots on.
-I let out a slow exhale of smoke and tilt my head, watching V leave the room. Damn that male was fine. Anyone would want him. A smile crept on my face until I remembered where I was about to go. I swallowed more Lag to drown the angry butterflies.-
Sliding my last dagger in place,it was just like another article of clothing but even more so. Grabbing up my jacket, pulling it on as i walk back out into the living room. Grins and winks at Butch” So what’s on board for tonight Nallum ? “
-I put my cigarette out and straighten up. Automatically adjusting my suit in the process. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, ducking my head down to stare at the floor- I want to go see my mother. Hopefully the rest of my family won’t be there today. -I lift my head slightly to see what kind of reaction this might get-
My head coming up slowly as I was just shoving a hand rolled in my pocket. So many protest on my tongue but I can sense a deep seated need in Butch ” Nodding, I grab up my lighter from the counter ” I’d say we have a good shot at no one being there this time of night ” My head goes through a tilta spin trying to grasp this plan but I push it back knowing that Butch still had a hold onto something from his human life. He had family, a shitty one but still fam ” I’ve never been taking to meet the parents before ” Grins fucking huge, trying to put Butch at ease some.
-Groaning and rubbing my hand over my forehead- On the plus side, she won’t really remember us. Not really. Her mind is shot to hell -I squeeze my eyes closed & try to pull myself back together- Vampires can’t get ulsers right?-rubbing my chest-
Stepping over lay a hand on the back of Butch’s neck, pulling you down some as I lower my forhead to yours ” Calm Butch, you got this “Nodding and stands back up ” You wanna ride shotgun, not sure I want you behind the wheel untill I see you steady again “
-I look up and give you a tentative grin- Thanks… Nallum. -Throwing my arms around you and hugging you tightly- I don’t regret this. I want you to know that. I really don’t. I’m happier then I ever thought I could be.
Easily slips my arms around Butch and tightens my them. Grunting hard hearing the words that I would have l spilled my own blood to hear just months ago ” You know same goes for me 10 folds Butch, where you are, I am ” Releases my hold, steps back scrubbing my hand down my face ” You bring too much out in me Nallum “
-barking out a laugh and nudging your chin with my fist- Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Gotta keep up appearances and all. Wouldn’t want them to think you turned into a softy. -stepping back and picking up a Sox cap, squeezing the bill in my hands- Alright let’s do this. Probably be the last time I ever see her again.
Laughs grabbing up the key” Damn straight, can’t have anyone knowing my teddy bear side ” Cracks up grabbing Butch’s hand ” This will be good for you both, even if she doesn’t remember, I bet she will store this some where in her mind ” my clear diamond eyes Filled with a hint of concern and understanding to a point .
-Squeezing your hand and instantly feeling better just for the contact- Honestly I don’t know about her anymore. I haven’t been there in awhile. But I want her to meet you. -Nodding more to myself than anything and heading toward the garage-
Pushing the through the steel door leading out to the garage, reluctantly letting go of Butch’s hand and getting in the SUV ” I’ll be on my best behavior ” Throwing a sincere look at Butch when he get’s in ” I’ll make you proud to introduce me to your mother Nallum “
I’m not worried about you. You could charm the pants off of anyone. Even a pussy loving catholic boy. -Winking and resting my hand on your leg. I lean back in the seat and close my eyes a bit. Willing my mind to fuck off for awhile.-
Chuckles turning the key and back out with a shit eating grin on my face ” My greatest accomplishment so far to date ” lays my hand over Butch leaving the Manse, flipping the CD on and heading to the home .
Such a tempter. -Smiling wide and watching the scenery fly by- I don’t even belong out here anymore. It’s like another life. My old partner talked to my brother-in-law. He’s like a dog with a bone. He won’t give up on the fact that I disappeared.
Glancing over Butch” Do you miss it on the outside here Butch ” Turning back to the road, turning on the street that leads to the home. A loud snort spills out ”lucky for him he doesn’t know the shit you hunt down now, would lock you in a padded room“
Fuck no. I don’t miss that shit at all. Finally found where my ass belonged. -I take a slow step out of the SUV when it comes to a stop. Taking a look at the place- I’m a terrible son. I think I’ve only come here once. She’s been here awhile. -Walking around the Escalade and snatching your hand- Just like a band aid. Quick and painless.
Laughs shutting the door ” And what a fine ass it is ” Shaking my head hearing Butch ” No man your not a bad son, just had some hang ups to deal, don’t down on yourself for that stuff ” Grins when Butch snatches my hand” Like I said you got this ” .
I’m probably going to need your help in there. I highly doubt that it’s prime visiting hours if you catch my meaning. -Pushing through the doors and instantly being assaulted by the unmistakable smell of old people and a shit load of sanitizer. Gagging a little- I hate these places. I think I would rather die then end up in one of ‘em.
A quick grin spreads over my lips ” Already thought of that Butch, we’ll slip in and out like ghost ” Grunts getting hit with a strong sense of death ” Yeah this is not a place to hang ” Finding a keypad just inside the double glass doors and pulls my Glove off. Laying my fingers on the side of the small pannel, the enegery piercing through, frying the circuit inside.
-Watching you with a smirk- I love it when you go all superhero on me. It’s hot. -Swatting you on the ass with a fucking huge grin and heading toward the nurses station-
Shakes my head laughing” I’ll remember that for later “A low growl slips through my teeth ” You remember to do that more later also ” Follows in behind Butch, reaching the Small desk area, a blonde young female aid was sitting behind it, low on a stool. She raises her head up and I instantly lean down and stare deep into her eyes, my pupils dialating locking in on hers it took seconds for her mind to click and I hit Butch on the arm ” Ask away man “
-I jump a little when you hit me on the arm. Almost entraced myself when I see her confused expression change to a pleasant smile- Oh, right. -clearing my throat- I’m looking for Odell O’Neal. -She looks down and pulls up the information. I flash her a smile and look back at you- Easy peasy. What would I do without you? -holding up a finger- Don’t answer that.
Chuckles low ” Smart choice ” Turns back to the aid, and manipulates her mind some ” Lead on Butch, let’s go see Odel ” Claps you on the back. Each step in the place feeling like a foot closer to the Fade.
-I walk down the hall with an unsteady stomach. My hands clenching and unclenching the whole way. I stand in front of the door that was supposed to be my Mother’s for awhile and almost piss myself when a male nurse steps out of it with a mirrored look of surprise. He sputters out something about it not being visiting hours and that Mrs. O’Neal was resting now. He asks me who I am with a glance over my shoulder at V. I automatically reply that I’m her son and he nods, looking down at what I thought was something on his clipboard. The next instant the biggest fucking needle I’ve ever seen is in his hands and he slams it into my chest. With some kind of crazy accuracy he hits my heart and forces the plunger home. I stand there stunned as this human forces a black substance straight into my heart.- Well that was unexpected… -It slams through my body instantly and I fall down like a sack of potatoes-
Steps up close behind Butch when the male orderly comes through the closed door. At first listening to the small exchange, I think that as soon as the talks is done, I’ll just wipe the kid but before that thought is fully formed my eyes latch onto the quick sucession of his hand as it draws down to Butch’s chest and the sharp point rams dead into Butch’s pec. A animalistic growl rips from my chest and I shove Butch aside and grab the human male up by the neck, lifting him off the ground and without thinking I break his neck and drop him to the ground “Mother fucker ” turning and dropping down to Butch’s side, I pull the needle from your chest and pocket it in my jacket right before I grab Butch up and lay you over my shoulder. The not knowing was making my adrenline spin my head into hyper drive and I bounded through Odell’s room and using my free hand I lift the window up and lay Butch on the grassy ground that was only two feet below the ledge and stepping easily through, I pick Butch back up and make tracks to the SUV ,pushing the auto button in my pocket the two doors open up before we reach it and I lay Butch in the front seat and get my ass in the driver side and peal out of the small dark parking lot before we find ourself back in the same shit a couple weeks ago.
-I’m barely aware of what is going on around me as the thick black liquid makes it’s way through my system. I curl into a tight ball on the seat and grit my teeth, trying to fight it with everything that I possibly can. A loud scream rips from my throat and all of my limbs splay out, feeling like they are being ripped from my body. I go into convulsions and a thick, black foam boils from my mouth. My eyes roll completely back in my head and my legs kick out. Hitting the dashboard and the windshield. I can almost hear the Omega laughing in my ear. I grab my ears with clawed hands trying to quiet the noise-
Shoving my foot all the way down on the gas peddle, coming around the sharp corner, knowing only a little further and I’ll have Butch safely back at the Manse. Stealing a glance over at you, my hands grip the stearing wheel in a death hold as I see you spasma lightly at first until my stomach knotted up in cold dread hearing the ripping scream that tore from Butch throat “Almost there Nallum, I got you” Ramming the button on the steering wheel as we pull into the garage and finally able to connect with the intercom system in the Manse ” What ever mother fucker is upstairs get down to the medical room ASAP” Jerking in just as Butch’s foot slams through the windshield ” Fuck man, your gonna rip that leg off ” Jumping out and darting around Jerking Butch’s door open, gripping my hands under the back over your shoulders, holding you in place until someone get’s here “
-narrowing my eyes to comment to Rhage when I hear V echoing through the place- Sonofa…-turning on my heels and bolting towards the medical center, calling over my shoulder- Ya’ll coming?
*I quickly jump to my feet and head towards the medical center passing Beth in my hurry to help V and Butch*
“Rhage, get the fuck over here and hold Butch still, his damn foot’s through the window”
*gets over to where Butch is and slings his arm over my shoulder* damn why did he kick the window?
[Hauling ass behind Rhage , my eyes widen when I see Butch and V, turning to grab a gurney]
Releasing my hold on Butch to Rhage I jump on the hood and with direct precission, I drill My gloved fist through the windshield next to Butch’s leg, and grips the loose pieces away” Alright get him loaded on the Gurney”
-helping Qhuinn with the gurney, eyes never leaving V and Butch- What the hell, V?
*with a nod, I lift Butch into my arms and move him to the gurney, careful to not jerk him more* let’s go roll him in
-With each beat of my heart, I can feel the shit pumping through my veins. Burning me like a wildfire. My body flails madly again and I roar in pain.-
Jumping down grabbing the gurney and darting down the hall to the medical room Butch Yelling over the pounding of heavy footfalls” Some mother fuck pumped a needle” Half lays on Butch’s legs”full of black liquid base in his chest,a fucking human at that”
-pounding my little feet behind V- What the fuck? Where the hell did you and Butch go? God dammit, you know you’re supposed to be being more careful and shit, damn. -grabbing bandages & bringing them over- A human? Tell me you killed the fucker?
[A low growl slips out hearing V explain what happened to Butch, my eyes widen to saucers hearing the fury in Beth’s voice. I quickly move to hold Butch’s arms down]
Busting through the double swinging doors ” Not now Beth, not fucking now ” Rips Butch’s shirt open and yelling to Rhage” Brace his legs down, Qhuinn get his arms“
*i quickly move to the end of the gurney and pin Butch’s feet to the make shift bed using my weight* got him. Let’s focus on Butch first and discuss the deets later people
-knowing this isn’t the time, I bite my lip hard as fuck- Tell me what to do before I have to go tell Wrath we have a brother down…again.
-Unsure of where I am, I struggle against all of the weight trying to hold me down-Nooo!… I will not go back there!
Probing the puncture wound softly on Butch’s chest, the black oil oozing from it ”Son of a bitch ” reaching down grabbing the needle from my pocket, I don’t need to but I sniff it anyway, confirming what I knew it had to be ” Fuck they injected him with their black poison, not just theirs but the Omega “Snarling ripping my glove off, not even knowing if this will work, I lay my palm down over the wound on Butch’s chest and look down at the rest ” If it get’s too hot let go ” Takes a deep needed breath and lets the light energy flood through my hand.
[Holding Butch harder when he struggles, I watch V carefully, not saying a damn word when he mentions the Omega, seeing his hand in action I feel an overwhelming sense of awe. I grit my teeth, completely resolved to help as much as I can]
-My back arches off of the table with what feels like a searing hot claw ripping into my chest. I recognize it instantly for what it is and attempt to embrace V’s touch. My eyes fly open and I struggle for breath. I fall back down with a loud slap on the table, my heart threatening to give out on me completely. I can hear the beats slowing in my ears and my mouth moves to try to warn V but nothing comes out-
*keeping my hands on Butch’s feet, I follow V’s movement as he begins to work his magic my grip on Butch’s legs tightening as he struggles against our hold*
My other hand flexing against the gurney, when I see Butch’s eyes open I bend down lower yanks my hand back when I feel the sudden slowness of Butch’s heart “It’s not working” My chest tightens as I struggle to not to lose it ” Ok, plan B, they fucked his heart up. Glances over Beth my mad gaze locks on her hard”Know any human surgons Beth?”
-Struggling to hold it together for V and Butch eyes locking on V’s- I’ll go make some calls, V. -brushing my hand over Butch’s forehead before stepping back- He’ll be good as new, soon. -willing myself to believe that as much as I want them to, turning tail & running to the study to see what I can find-
Nods silently Beth and steps over grabbing a new needle, and loading the clear liquid in the glass, stepping back over to Butch & grabbing his arm from Qhuinn,flicking my fingers over the thick vein right before sliding the point in & sedating Butch.
-I watch as V’s hand leaves my chest with a concerned look on my face. He couldn’t fix this… whatever it was, he couldn’t fix it. It hit me all over again when my heart returned to its rhythm and I could feel it clawing into my brain. I look up at V as he comes at me with the needle and plead with him- Kill… me… -The sedative hits me and I go completely limp, falling down a big black hole-
[stepping back when V takes Butch’s hand and inserts the needle. My voice quiet]Anything I can do for you?
Looks over my shoulder Qhuinn ” Thanks man,right now I’m wracking my head ” My head drops and I grip Butch’s hand” I’ll get this”
*releases my hold on Butch’s legs and walks towards V and grips his shoulder*he’ll be fine V. You’ll see.
[claps V on the shoulder and glances at Butch] Beth will find someone, holler if you need anything, man.
-Taking a seat behind Wrath’s desk, I start pulling up the information before I drop my head in my hands and lose it completely. Glad there is no one around to witness my breakdown. Repeating to myself that Butch had to be fine. I lifted my head to stare at the screen-
My brows narrowed hard when I see Butch’s eyes raise up to me. bending down lower, my breath jams in my chest hearing the words that croaked out of Butch. Cold dread sunk in heavy and I bent all the way down and whispered harshly next to your ear ” Never will I let go of you, you go, I go “Gritting my eyes closed a second,I raise up and open my eyes to see Butch knocked out and I stand there.
[Glancing over my shoulder at V and Butch one last time, I leave the room and walk back to the main house, shoulders hanging heavy.]
*knowing that I am no longer needed, I stepped quietly out of the room, my last memory of the scene was of V gripping Cops hand tightlywith heavy steps, I send a silent prayer to the scribe for Butch as I head back to the main house*
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