I stood outside the Commodore, my SUV parked a few miles away, and it was after midnight. I hated as spring approached and the nights got shorter. The sun burned my skin, and I would turn to ash if I was exposed to it for more than few seconds. The agency told me it was a side effect of the alterations they had made to me at birth. But memories of my change made me wonder what they had done to me. Hushed whispers around the Agency called me a vampire, and because of the way blood smelled to me, I was inclined to believe that if a vampire could be manufactured in a lab, thats what I was. I scouted the build. The previous agent who’d tried to get at the man who lived on the third floor from the top had called it impenetrable.
The windows were reinforced with steel. That was going to make breaking through them hard at any level. It was locked up tight at the ground floor with two guards sitting on the main level. They didn’t look like the typical rent-a-cops either. They were paying attention and had serious weapons. It wasn’t out of the question there was only two of them, but I would end up taking a bullet, which wasn’t high up on my list of things to do for the evening. The first twenty feet of the building were encased in concrete, which I could jump and get a hand hold on the ledge of, but further up than that, the building only had tiny finger holes in the spaces between the windows. I dug around in my backpack and grabbed the suction hand-holds from my bag. I checked the batteries. It was a big ass building, and it took superhuman strength to use them. I doubted they would last longer than the trip up, which left me fucked for the way back down, but I wasn’t going to worry about that now. I glanced around the dead streets, then started backing up. I crossed the street and didn’t stop till my back was pressed to the building across the street. I waited till the cameras scrolled away from the stop I was going to hit and launched myself off the building. Tucking my chin, I sprinted then jumped and reached out. My fingers curled around the ledge. Then slipped.
But I held on and flung my other arm up to take hold. After I had a good grip, I raised myself up onto the narrow ledge. It was about three inches wide, but that was enough for me to keep my toes on while I attached the devices to my wrists and hands. Once I had them on, I started the climb. I had a few hundred feet to go, and it was going to take some time. My feet dangled in the air as I pulled up arm length by arm length near the corner of the building. In my all black, I blended into the dark building. I got to the third spot from the top and released one of my cups from the wall to dangle from one arm. With my free hand, I rummaged in the supplies I had collected form the agency. When I found the glass cutter, I started to trace a circle in the glass. Once it was cut, I had to get out the wire cutter to sever the pieces of steel running through the glass till I finally tipped it into the penthouse. It shattered as it hit the floor. I had a gun out and waited for two minutes. Foot steps approached the room, then the dark room was drenched in line as the door opened. I put a bullet between the man’s eyes before he could adjust to the light. I swung my legs in then released the other suction cup for a controlled fall in. My boots crunched over the glass, and I approached the body with my gun posed for a second shot. I kicked the body, knelt beside him to check the pulse, but he was dead. I grabbed one of his arms and drug him into the room and closed the door behind me.
I had the blueprints and the normal locations of the subject memorized. I closed my eyes and pulled up the print in my mind and aligned it with where I had entered the building. I was on the opposite corner from where I needed to be. I checked my gun, the silencer tightly screwed in place, then wound through the halls, weapon raised. They were dark with long shadows cast from the light filtering through the tinted windows. Footsteps reached my ears again. Idle chatter of two men, speaking under their breaths. I spun in place, looking for a place to hide. There was nothing in sight except a door about halfway down the hall. I ran for it. My feet were silent as they hit the wood floor. The voices grew near, and my hand closed around the handle before they rounded the corner. I cracked it and slip inside, closing it while I turned to sweep the room. It was empty.
The voices passed, and I opened the door again, watching their backs fade in the direction of the man I had just killed. If they found him, the alarm would be raised. I had minutes maybe. I exited the room and jogged towards the target’s rooms. When I came close, I listened. I could hear two people breathing in the next room and two more in another down the hall. Who ever this guy was, he was important to have that many guards in an already safe building. No wonder no one else could touch him.
My eyes needed no time to adjust to the dark bedroom when I slipped inside. One of the guards that sat by the bed had his head back as he dozed. The other spotted me instantly and lifted his weapon but I shot him twice in the neck before he could call out. The soft bang of the silenced bullet roused the other guard and the target. I left him and aim at the guard squeezing the trigger. Easy as pie. The man in the large bed started to beg and plead as I approached. My eyes clicked on his and I matched him to the photo I had been given in the file. I shot him twice.
Running footsteps reached my ears, and I spun. They weren’t coming from the door I had came from but from behind the wall? I tussled the bed and found a panic button in the man’s hands. Fuck. The wall behind the large fireplace slid back and I had seconds to find cover in the room before I was opened fire on.
It was one of those nights where I felt the walls were caving in around me, everywhere I went it only worsened. I ventured down to the Gym and tried to work the restless nerves out and I only ended up destroying the treadmill then I traded the gym out for the garage and tried working on some improvements I wanted to do to the Escalade but that did jack shit for me. They said things hit in three’s but I believed that to be a bunch a shit because every time I turned around the hits kept coming and they were hitting from all directions. I was going to grab Butch and see if he wanted to head to ZS but I knew that was a bad idea. I knew this mindset I was in, it was the kind that even if someone looked at you sideways you were ready to rip their head off and shit down their throat, he didn’t deserve to be on the brunt end of my mood.
I was driving around with no destination in sight, one thing I knew was I wanted to avoid people, not a Brother and most fucking definitely not a human. There was only one place that provided that cover and I was heading there before I even realized it. Fuck! It been damn near ages since I stepped a foot inside my Penthouse. I didn’t have much need to head to the Commodore, with Butch I kept it close to the Pit but still I couldn’t find it in me to get rid of the place. Hell, I’d had it way before the Brotherhood decided to stake out roots under one roof and used it for sanity reasons even when it was just me and not a Pet on the way. Privacy was big for me, I got on good with all my Brothers but I wasn’t made to have others under foot for too long without me bailing the fuck out.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said as the guns fired and the bullets tore through the air. I had less than half a second to get my body out of the way. I threw myself to the side, but the bullet caught me square in the right shoulder. I felt the tiny ball of metal rip through my shoulder join. I grunted in pain as I hit the floor on my good shoulder. It would have been a debilitating injury to a human, but whatever alterations the agency had done to me had made my bones heal faster and almost on their own. But it didn’t change the pain aspect. After years of building up my tolerance, a gunshot was only a mild annoyance. I slid to a stop, the dive to get out of the direct path of the bullet having taken me half wave across the room.
The man was approaching me, apparently vengeful of his boss I had just killed. I scoffed, and went limp. He was careless. Even if a mortal would have been taken down with the well aimed shot, he deserved to die for underestimating his opponent. I laid limp till the man came into view and kicked me lightly. The gun barely clutched in my left hand came up and I fired before the shocked showed on his face. A wave of emotions swirled over his expression in slow motion, shock, anger, then the telltale acceptance that death was taking over. No matter what a person looked like in life, or what they owned, or what they believed in, they all looked the same when they died. He crumpled to the floor clutching the gushing wound in his neck. He wheezed and choked on his own blood, but I felt nothing. He was nothing more than a causality on a mission. I kept my gun up as I approached the target I had been checking before his body man had come out of that damn passage way in behind the fireplace. Dead.
I put three more bullets into his body as assurance that he couldn’t be revived. My tongue flicked over my fangs as they elongated. His blood had a strange hue to it that I couldn’t place in those I had sampled. I shrugged it off. Every person had a slightly different taste, maybe he was just on the far outside of the spectrum. I walked to the wall safe and punched in the code I had memorized from the mission packet. It blinked green then slide open. I tossed out the usual valuables on the floor. I had a picture in my head of the document the agency needed, but it wasn’t there. Well, they weren’t going to be happy about that, but I wasn’t going to stress about the box till after I had my candy. As the image of the box came to mind, my hand shook, but I forced my mind back to the mission at hand. I pulled a few bills from the wad of cash laying in the safe. I turned and cased the room, tapping on walls looking for secondary safes, but I found none. It seems the intel was bad.
I couldn’t bring myself to care. I glanced down at my shoulder again before I climbed out the window. Blood ran down my arm and chest, but it wasn’t something that was going to kill me. I would have to dig out the bullet when I got home, but I wasn’t worried about it. My shit kickers crunched over the broken glass as I got on to the sill. I swung my body out of the window into the cold night. I had a few hours before I needed to get back to New York. There had to be a place ‘round this piece of trash town. I dug my fingertips into the spaces between the windows and started my control drop down floor by floor, clutching to the sides of the Commodore. The rubber on the toes of my boots skidded against the glass as I fell a story at a time. The cold numbed my fingers and made each floor harder as went down. About halfway down, my shoulder started to ache.
“Fuck,” I muttered to myself as I paused to flex and roll it in the joint. This was going to be harder to do one handed. I quickened my pace, only pausing for a second between drops. Six floors left to go. I dropped again, scraping my fingers down the glass to find the next ledge. I caught it with both hands, pausing to slow when my right arm gave out, and suddenly I was dangling from one arm by two fingers. I was slipping, and gravity won. I tumbled down the side of the building heading towards the pavement, falling faster every second. I saw myself splattered on the pavement and asked myself if I cared. It would be a free ticket out of the agency. But something took over. A need to live. A need to get more out of life. The taste I had gotten when I was feet away from my jail break. I couldn’t let myself hit the pavement. I righted myself and clawed at the building with my good arm till I caught hold of another ledge and jerked myself to a stop, almost dislocating my arm in the process. I looked down and saw I only had ten feet to spare.
I let go and landed on my feet. My eyes darted around, seeing if anyone noticed my exit. There wasn’t a soul on the street at this time. It was about two hours before dawn. I rolled both shoulders to check for damage and felt the sickening crack of bones and pulled ligaments. It didn’t matter. Shit would heal. A thin layer of snow had caked the ground since I had scaled the side of the building. I looked up at the gray clouds that promised to cover my tracks. I traipsed forward, crunching the snow under my feet. I bent down to scoop a handful off the sidewalk and put it in my mouth. I loved the snow. Closing my eyes I could almost remember playing in it. They were blurry images my mind didn’t like to recall, but they were all I had. I headed towards the busier section of the city where I had seen the clubs on my way into town. There had to be a twenty four hour seven eleven or something..
As always I had my Mhis up, I always did even if I was just going outside to take a piss. I trusted few and being outdoors of the Manse or the Pit I trusted none. Eyes were everyone, fuck I was proof of that. It was my job to see all and know all, that shit wore a male down keeping his eyes on all things at all damn times. I was on burn out mode, that was fast approaching and I knew it, it was a major part of my head fuck right now.
I was coming right up on the parking garage when I thought I was losing my shit completely. Instead of pulling in I parked across the back way and got out of the Escalade. Did I really just see what I thought I saw? With my head cocked back I watched it all play out, a male was shimmying down the sleek side of the Commodore with nothing more than his hands and feet. “What the fuck.” I muttered. Now that shit took balls and skills. I looked around the street and blew out a breath. Good thing for him not a damn soul was lurking around to catch this circus act, I mean come on it wasn’t every night you saw this kind of shit. I cringed hard as fuck when he lost his bearings and started going down hard. Hell at this point I was actually cheering the guy on that he made it. Anyone that had the death sentence to do this shit deserved a certain degree of respect. Of course this was coming from a male that had took a nose dive off that very building from the penthouse balcony.
For the time being I watched it all, there was no sense in getting involved, whatever his situation was it wasn’t mine deal but it was free entertainment for the moment. I had a grin on my face when he got a grip on things and caught himself before his head met pavement and splat went the circus freak. One minute I was standing there thoroughly enjoying myself and the next my nostrils were flaring and my diamond eyes lighting up. Lesser, this wasn’t their usual stomping grounds but as of lately nothing was usual for them. I was stalking across the street with my blades already in hand the newly fallen snow scrunching under my boots.
They were close but not close enough to be seen, their scent filled my head up and I watched as the male started walking off towards the other end of the street. My eyes narrowed when I followed in the steps he just took seconds ago. He was bleeding and not just any blood but he was a fucking vampire. My fangs elongated and I just hoped he’d get the fuck out of dodge before the fuckers showed themselves. But as of late luck was not on my side and on this night it wasn’t on his either because not more than about twenty feet in front of him nine Lesser made themselves known. I dematted and reformed right beside the male. “Either prepare to fight or get the fuck out of my way and let me play with them myself.” I bared a hint of fang at the male and my icy gaze flashed brightly in the darkness of the night.
As I walked down the street the pungent odor of baby powder filled my lungs, but it was all wrong. It wasn’t the fresh and clean order one associates with babies. This one had the lingering smell of rotten flesh tinged with it. I froze in place, my hand going to the Glock strapped to my chest. Jerking it out, I was hit with another sent and whipped around, pressing my gun to the temple of the man who appeared next to me.
“The fuck?” I blurted. That is what the agency had been trying to teach me to do. Reform my being in another location, dematting they had called it. How the fuck was it possible that this fuck had done it. And even more strange than that, he smelled like me. It was different than how humans smelled. It couldn’t be possible. As far as the agency had told me, I was one of a kind. They had fucking made me. But here was a male who looked at least twice my age standing before me.
Not till he spoke the words did I see the things that produced the smell. I lowered the gun from him, reaimming it at the unnatural ghostly white men coming our way.
“What the fuck are those things?” I snarled, dropping into a fighting stance, rolling my shoulders. Blood dripped down my arm, and I knew the injury would incapacitate it for the fight. leaving me with only one hand to shoot from. More came out from behind buildings, and they fanned out to surround us. Not that I was really worried. The things looked like humans, scrawny bitches most of them.
I looked over at the man next to me, appraising his worth. He had more weight on him then I did and stood an inch or two taller. He was also broader across the shoulders and muscled in all the right places. But from some of the bruits I had been up against, that meant nothing in a real fight. All it meant is the male liked to lift weights and look at himself in the mirror.
“Sure you’re up for this?” I nodded at the approaching things. “I can handle them if you’re not used to fighting.” I turned back before he answered, hearing the unmistakable sound of guns being drawn.
When bullets started to fly, I spun out of the way, leaving the male to fend for himself as I fired bullets in precise shots to the head and hitting three out of the four I aimed for. But that didn’t stop them from coming. They barely filched as nasty black blood oozed from the wounds.
“How the fuck do I kill them?” I yelled as I rebounded off the building, emptying my mag into the closest seemly undead body and pulling a knife to slit his throat as I passed. The dark blood coated my arms, seeping into my skin. The smell of the blood was magnified, and permeated my body with the stench. I swallowed back the bile that rose in my throat, throwing my knife at one that came up behind the male, lodging it in the side of it’s neck. I caught the next one that came at me and snapped its neck. I used it as a shield to block the spray of bullets as it thrashed with superhuman strength to get free.
What the fuck were these things? Nothing I did seemed to affect them. I started ripping the beast limb from limb before tossing it aside to start on the next. Blackness threatened at the corners of my vision as the rage started to build and take over. I struggled to hold it back and remain in possession of myself. Anger started to fill the void, which I was thankful for.
I yelled again. “How the fuck do I kill them!”
It was a damn good thing that I didn’t have much time to dwell on the gun pressed against my temple because that shit was not cool even if I did get why the male did it. His shock was obvious and the way he seemed to dissect me right there in the middle of the street as if I had two heads and the antlers coming out. I found that more that reaction more than interesting but now wasn’t the time to feed into my insatiable curiosity. He was young and not just in body but also in years, he barely had a brow line and yet his skills at scaling down a building was not that of a newly transition male.
My icy gaze bore into him and I was going to give him a full second before that gun at my head would be rammed up his ass. A tatted brow lifted and a sly grin curled my lips up more as he finally got a sense of what the fuck was going down right around him. “They are called Lesser and that gun will only stun him a little. Get with the program or get the fuck out of here. I said it once and this is the last time the warning comes.”
My fingers curled around the hilt of my blade and I held it with as much ease as I held my cock. I diverted my attention from the now growing spectacle before us and the strange male next to me. He was ready, that much was easy to tell, his stance I knew well, bracing oneself for the oncoming battle bot mentally and physically. At least I didn’t have some dumb fuck with a gun that barely knew how to pull the trigger to get out of this fuck up.
A sadistic chuckle rolled out when the pale bastards around us pulled weapons out and the strange male returned fire with them. I surrounded the whole scene in my Mhis and cursed the Forelesser for picking such inept fuckers that have no damn regard for the rules of shit. I dematted behind a parked moving van and just watched it all play out for a few seconds. It seemed the cocky bastard was getting his first lesson about the things that go bump in the night.
I waited only long enough until I saw that his clip was empty and they were still on a roll. With the male keeping them occupied from the front I materialized behind one Lesser, rammed my blade between his shoulder blades and ripped it straight down his spine until he went down gasping and writhing on the snow covered ground. I repeated the dematting and came up behind another and repeating the stabbing, leaving him debilitated on the ground with his cohort and doing it about five more times before they caught on and was watching their backs.
I came to form next to the male, pulled my other dagger from my holster and handed it to him. “Straight through the heart, guns are for shit in this, got it?” I didn’t wait for an answer as a bullet came whizzing right past my head and embedded in the wall of the building.
I was on my feet and dodging the firing rounds and went hand to hand with a more aged Lesser, his hair was pure white and his battling style was more old school. I could sink my fangs in this kind of shit and went for broke with the fucker. A right hook to his jaw and a series of jabs to his midsection, I felt a blow to my side and grunted through the impact. We went a few more rounds, I got some good hits in and took a fair share of them from the fucker, I knew I’d feel all of this shit later. My booted feet crunched over the white stuff as I plowed my fist into his face and it came away covered in his black blood.
Play time was over and I drew my arm back before letting it swing through the night air and dodging his careless deflect and make contact with his chest. My blade sunk in to the hilt and there was that poof the magic fucking dragon bit they all did. I spun around and went back to the fuckers I left writhing on the ground. I did the same with each one while keeping one eye on my back from the other still standing Lesser’s.
The male threw up some sort of shield around us, trapping us in an eerie bubble and hiding us from the rest of the world, blurring the buildings behind us. I pushed back the anger I felt and got ahold of myself just as my mind started to slip into the rage. The damn things wouldn’t die, but they sure as fuck weren’t that smart. They seemed to take their super human strength and agility for granted, and none of them were very good shots. I was running circles around them, but all it seemed to do was piss them off and amuse the male. I dodged bullets with ease as I loaded a new clip. My eyes swept the area looking for where the hell the other male had vanished to. It wasn’t till I caught the glint of his blade behind a van that I scoffed.
“Going to pussy out while I take care of them?” I yelled.
If he didn’t start helping, I was going to put a bullet between his eyes next. Fucker. I went at another, this time firing a bullet into one of his eyes and watching the tissue explode in a shower of black blood. Yanking my knife, I nearly took his head off as I sprinted past the thing. I had been boardering on the edge of losing myself, but I seemed to keep it together once I got into the swing of my fighting style against the unknown foes. Instead of blacking out when I was threatened to protect myself, I found my mind shifting to a faster pace I could control instead of shutting off like when the agency attacked me.
I kept an eye on the male as he jumped around the scene, using his knife to dispatch the things. I didn’t like playing watch, used to taking lead on things, but he knew how to kill them, so I watched his back and kept them away with bullets and my knifes. When one got near my back, I whipped around, catching it in the heart with the point of my blade and driving it all the way through his body. But nothing happened. He used his own blade across my chest then moved to drive the tip into my side. A low growl echoed in my throat, and I yanked my knife free, driving it home in his throat. The white-haired fucker laughed, spraying black blood out of the wound. I dodged another of his jabs and pounded my fists into his face and flank. He took hit after hit and then gave back. He countered and dodged my blows like no human I had ever fought could. I whipped around and snapped his neck, dropping him to the ground to contend with later. At least that had seemed to slow him down.
“Do you have some superior weapon or some fucking secret you want to tell me about this? Because my god damn knife ain’t doing shit here.”
It only served to irritate me further when he took out another. I took a running start at him, locking eyes on the blades at this chest, feigning a hand with the two he was taking care of. I ducked to the side, taking the blade he offered me so I could go to work. The craftsmanship was evident just in the balance and weight of the weapon in my hand. I twirled it around, stalking towards the final lesser with a hint of a smile curling at my lips. I was almost getting a high from the fun of the fight. Something in me clicked. It was like this was what I had been trained for, not the bullshit assignations the agency sent me on. As I came at the thing, it snarled at me and raised it’s gun. I scoffed. He started firing, and I dodged its faulty aim with ease, not even breaking a sweat. I closed the distance between us just as his weapon clicked empty. The horror showed on his face as he struggled to find a space magazine. I drank in the fear rolling off his form.
I stabbed the blade home right into his heart, and he poofed into non-existence. I turned back around to witness the male doing the same to the last of his kills.
“The fuck?” I muttered to myself as V took out the one I had snapped the neck on.
Their blood spilled on the pavement, black and oily, slicking the streets, but all evidence of them was gone. I turned around surveying the area, knowing this was not some normal shit I walked into. I wiped the blood off my face with the back of my arm, but I was so coated in the black shit that it only served to smear it into my face. My eye started to burn, and I figured it must be some toxic shit. I picked up my weapons from the ground and tucked them back on my person, not wanting to get in trouble with the agency for leaving them out and it getting traced back to me.
I strolled back up to the male and flipped his weapon around in my hand so I held it by the blade, handle out to him. I waited for him to take it back.
I muttered, “Thanks for letting me borrow that,” with a half grin.
I rolled my broad shoulders, flicking my green gaze over him and sizing him up for the first time. He stood talker than I did, and he was much better muscled, thick through the shoulders and thighs. A clear fighter. The high from the fight started to fade and I staggered as the pain in my shoulder hit me again.
“Shit.” I pulled away, seeing that the neck of my shit was coated in black blood, but the majority of the blood that stained my clothes was my own. It gushed from the wound in my shoulder.
“Fuck.” I ripped off my tee, wadding it into a ball to hold against my shoulder. I looked up at the sky, seeing that dawn was fast approaching. I still had a two hour drive back to the city.
“I have to go,” I said through gritted teeth. I took another step, looking for some place I could hide till dark. I needed to get my first aid kit back in the car so I could stitch myself…
I watched in curious satisfaction as the male got things in hand and used my blade to do some damage and take out the Lesser’s and then he was handing me my dagger back with a muttered thanks. From what little I had viewed of the guy even before the Lesser made an appearance I knew he had some skill. Now after watching him in action I was more than just a little impressed. The thing is where would he have received that kind of training? He obviously wasn’t trained to fight Lesser, seeing as he didn’t have a shit clue as to what they even where or how to take them out. And outside of humans training for their own constant war this was different. First off you had a young as fuck male that seemed unaware of shit that most civilians knew from the crib up with Lesser but the ability of a trained killer. That was the light bulb thing going off in my head.
I was concentrated on that train of thought that when I realized the male was yanking his clothes off in the middle of a partly snow and black blood covered street with the winter winds picking up hard. “You know I don’t really think now and here is the place for that, seeing as sunrise is licking at the sky.” Finally the scent of fresh blood wafted under my nose and I saw that he was actually trying to staunch the flow of the wound. Fuck! I thought, I forgot with the Lesser showing up that he had been wounded from his earlier games of the night and with the previous fight I was sure it must have done some nice fucked up damage.
I was on the verge to step closer when he suddenly announced he had to go. “Unless you can demat being that fucked up and I’m positive you can’t because I have tried more than a few times or have a car within feet your ass is ash.” Shaking my head I moved in closer and stopped when I was no less than a couple feet away.
My head started to spin as I staggered again. I flipped the guy off when he commented on my taking my shirt off to curb the blood flow. I ignored him, assessing my other wounds so I could get a clear picture of what I needed to do before I got underground for the night.
“Demat? The fuck you going on about?” I said, scrunching up my face and trying to focus, but it was getting harder and harder as the blood drained from my damn brain. I was going to be toast if I didn’t get some place undercover to get the bleeding stopped. Yet, this fuck thought it was fun to yack my ear off about crap I had no idea what meant.
“I’ll figure out a basement or a place to break into. Wouldn’t be the first time. I have to get back to the agency.” Flashes of the box made me wince. I swallowed back the fear that rose up in my throat, knowing if I came back late I would spent the next few weeks in there or worse being beaten and fuc… I shook it off, not allowing my mind to go there. I was already too close to blacking out. I knew I was rambling, but the light-headedness was making it impossible to think straight, and fuck the agency. They sent me into this hell hole with these lessers. I had spent my whole life thinking I was the only one of my kind, made in a test tube, but here standing in front of me was another. I lifted my bottle green eyes to his icy colored ones.
“Plus, if I don’t get back, they’ll just use these to come get me.” I held up my wrists displaying the tracking bracelets that doubled as the shock collars. “They track me and zap me if I don’t do what they say. You don’t have em? You must be a good little boy and report on time.” I was getting pissed. The agency could have at least told me they had others like me. It would have been made this fucking piss-ass, dismal life less lonely.
I turned away from him, staggering another step towards my car. “I need to get my first aid kit and find cover.” I dropped to one knee, grunting in pain. I pressed my eyes shut and willed myself back to my feet, taking two more steps before blackness took over and I fell face first into the pavement.
Black brows drew down hard as fuck over my eyes, all the words coming from the wounded male landing like a ton of lead down on me. Agency, control, shock collars, all of it was fucked even for me. It wasn’t just what he was saying, I could easily read the fear that was radiating through him. The hard swallow, how the muscles in his body twitched, it all spelled clustefuck from the deep dark depths of some depraved minds. My top lip slid back as a low savage chest rumbling growl passed through my elongated fangs.”No one keeps me, or locks me down, and I sure as fuck am not anyones fucking BOY!.” I was going to comment further about how this shit was only acceptable in certain sitchs and this sure as fuck wasn’t one but as he started to step away I knew he was going down. “FUck!….” Yeah this night took a turn for shit, guess that will teach my restless ass to find other means to cure my need to get out. Shaking my head I crouched down and lifted the male by his chest and slung him over my shoulder. I was limited on time and location. He weighed barely nothing and i didn’t even huff any breaths as I made tracks to the Escalade. He had a decent amount of muscle mass but I doubted an ounce of body fat on him. Which made me wonder at his age, his face seemed too young to be of the years for transitioning but the hard lines in his features almost fooled you to thinking he was older. It was all one big fucked up puzzle, but one that now I had stepped my booted foot in. I pulled open the back of the car and deposited the male in the back. First things first, those fucking bracelets had to go. I picked up his wrist, assessing exactly what I was dealing with and was glad that the male was knocked the fuck out, what I had to do next was not something the faint of hearts would sit still for. The devices were intricate in their design, a simple tool would set the fuckers off so that meant it was in order to use something only I had. I pulled my leather glove off and even before my last finger was free my hand was alight with a soft glow. There was no need to go full force, I didn’t need an ashed male to clean out of the Escalade when I got back. With my safe hand holding his wrist still I brought forth the other hand with the hot white power coursing through it. One touch is all I would need and barely a second or two of contact is all it would take care of it. Mere seconds later they fell away and once i had them free of the male I held them firmly in my palm and grinned wickedly as the material crackled then blazed until there was nothing but melted black liquid falling through my fingers. Alright one thing down, now onto the next and I had to get my ass in gear because my internal clock was ticking like an annoying alarm clock. With precision and practiced skills I taped gauze over the oozing wound and secured the male in the back with zip ties where I had deposited him. I hightailed my ass in the drivers seat and cursed a fluent string of words all the way back to the Manse. FUCKKKKK and more Motherfucks along with some SONofafuckingBItch’s filled the interior of the Escalade. I didn’t stop until I was safely parked in the underground garage just as the sun was cresting over the ridge. I threw it in park and cut the engine off. I was out of the Escalade and in motion, I cut the ties and tossed the male over my shoulder once again. The double doors opened even before I reached them and my heavy booted feet echoed through the quiet tunnels. Again the doors to the PT suite parted and I went straight in and deposited the blacked out male on one of the gurneys. The room was empty and sterile, just the way that I liked it, right now I wasn’t in the mood to be questioned for all of this shit. I made quick work cutting away his shirt and once his small but toned chest was revealed I was cursing again. The vivid array of scars were a story in those own right. Gunshots, knife wounds, blatant whipping marks, all covered the area. Who the fuck was these bastards that tortured a young and that is what he was, no matter his skill. I pulled my head back to the here and now and cleansed the wound in his shoulder before I meticulously stitched the hole up until it was tightly closed. Once I had that part down I dressed it and discarded all the things I had used. I made a call up to the main house and got a hold of Fritz, I swore the old man knew everything because even before I got out exactly what I wanted he was already telling me that he would make sure a chosen was called in when needed and would have a tray of food sent down. I pulled a chair up and planted my ass in it, looked like it was going to be a long fucking day, I brought him in and no way was I taking my eyes off of him and letting him loose among the mass of the Manse until I got the full story and knew the ins and outs.