Thursday, March 20, 2014

Safe and Secure

Bella: *V was next on my list. His expertise in security and technology was going to be needed not just for the building but the residents peace of mind. The building was large and had many windows so it was going to need something like the manse had to keep the sun out during the day. I knew I was going to need cameras and security guards and alarms. Gathering my lists of what I needed I went to the Pit and prayed I wasn’t interrupting V and Butch. Fidgeting a little I knocked and waited*

V: I heard the knock on the door, but I kept digging in on what I had pulled up on my monitors and it wasn’t until I had it locked down that I pushed back in my chair and left my office to answer the door. Dressed in my usual fighting gear I pulled it open and was a little surprised to see Bella standing there. “What’s up Bella, you lose your way?”

Bella: *Looking up at the huge male in front of me made me feel small. I cleared my throat a few times before I spoke* Uh…no. I…uh. ..I actually needed to ask you something. More like a favor. *shifting my weight back and forth I held out my list of security stuff I would need* So I’m starting a refuge/orphanage and I need top of the line security. I thought you could help me since you are so good at that stuff. *I waited while he took the list, my head lowered and my teeth digging into my lip*

V: A tatted brow cocked and I took the list from Bella. Looking it over I nodded and glanced back up to her. “So I see you are finding your nitch, good. This will be no issue, you let me know when and where and I’ll hook you up with what you need and show you how to work it all. Also I will connect the feed here to the main so we can keep an eye on things and shit like that.”

Bella: *I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face when he said he would help with the security* Really? That would be great V. You don’t know how much this means to me. With all the attacks and everything this place needs to be Fort Knox secure. I don’t want the residents questioning their safety. I just need to get a few more people on board, go back to Wrath with everything and then we should be good to go. *I couldn’t resist hugging him tight before I took off back to the manse*

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