Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Spies Like Us

[I was just strapping on my holster when I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand. Scowling I step out of the closet and moves over to retrieve the device. Swiping my thumb over the screen to unlock it before I read the message from Butch It was easy to read what he sent me because hell I was improving on my lessons and well…the man only sent me two words, and thank fuck for that. I press the letter K then sends before heading back into the closet to get ready. I was hoping to have a run in with some lesser tonight cause hell my mind was surely a mess. I needed it. Grunting I watch the cat twine through my legs as I make my way to the door. Reaching down I grab the chewed up shoe lace and tosses it. Watching the thing dart to go get it. I take that chance to exit, shutting the door behind me. As I move downstairs I pause only to tell fritz to feed the cat. Then moves straight to the tunnels where I knew Butch would already be waiting anxiously. Moving into the garage I spot the fucker already in the SUV with the car started up. Quickly I jog over and gets in the Escalade. Buckling up before looking over at Butch] Cop..
-I reached down and cranked on the police scanner. I didn’t even want to listen to music tonight. I needed something to remind me of the standards that I use to hold myself to tonight even if it was an awful distraction. I actually grinned a little when I heard Jose’s voice coming over the radio. Poor guy was probably braking in a new partner by now. I turned to look at Z when he got in the SUV. I didn’t really want to tell him about the discussion I’d just had with the King but it was as much his biz as mine now. I pulled the Escalade out and headed toward town chewing my lip on where to start with this particular bombshell. Feet first was always best.- So I talked to the King bout that chick we were looking into the other night… Somewhere in here tonight we get to pay her a visit.
[Raises a brow at Butch as I get as much comfy as I could on the leather seat. I crack the window a bit to get some fresh air before I speak] Oh yeah? [Liking the feeling of the cool crisp air on my face] Would’ve loved to be there for that convo…not [Snorts then tilts my head towards butch. Half listening to him and half listening to the scanner that he put on from time to time]
-My grip on the steering wheel was so tight that it was a wonder it didn’t snap in half.- I’m really hoping that she’s a vampire. -I glanced over at Z from the corner of my eye. I had a feeling that he wouldn’t have the same problems that I did in taking out a human and I almost didn’t want to put a voice to the next part, so I mumbled it instead.- If she’s human, the King wants her dead.
[Nods looking out the window…my views on humans were constantly changing…I’ve killed many in my time and didn’t really care for them…then things just happened in my life were I kinda had to change my views. One was you. You came into our lives and now you are my brother…or hell piper. She is a human but our doctor…and helps us…so it was hard to be so salty about humans but ah yeah still…I didn’t know this chick and she was threatening my family. I nod]understandable…now don’t get wigged out about it. If it comes to that then I’ll handle it true? [Shoots you a look]
-I should be grateful that Z was offering to take this worry away from me but all could see was some helpless girl cowering in a corner as Death walked through the door. All because she’d sent the email to the right place.- She hasn’t done a damn thing! -I was growling now and I had to keep my hands on the wheel to keep from taking it out on the Brother next to me. Lord knows it wasn’t his fault either.-Would you rather she sent that little bomb to someone else? -We were in Caldwell now and I pulled over to keep from causing an accident. My fist slammed into the dashboard.- I hate that he ordered that! -I stopped short when I caught something on the police scanner and I almost thought I was hearing things at first. My brow creased and I motioned for silence, turning up the radio. My eyes got wider and wider as I pieced together what was going down.- They found a fucking wounded lesser! -I hit the gas and the SUV jumped forward.- How good are you with the mind tricks? Cause we are gonna fucking need it. I’m not slick enough to disappear a body out of police custody without any questions. And they are all kinds of jumping bout the black blood.
[Sighs as Butch starts to get all emotional on the girl. I mean hell I understand how he would feel about this…especially with it being a female. I rub my jaw and starts to speak, only to stop once you tune into the police scanner. I raise a brow then blinks. Holy fuck. Speechless I find myself nodding] Yeah..yeah I got this..I’m…I…[Stutters then cleared my throat as I pull it together] I’m just trying to wrap my head around how..this happened…I mean..no brother would leave a lesser like that so…it has to…be what? A civilian?
-I tore around a corner sharply and all that was running through my head was the amount of damage control we would have to do at this point. The fact that it had hit the police scanner was bad because anyone could be listening. It took me awhile to process what Z was worrying about.- Obviously not a Brother. At this point who gives a fuck, we got to work fast or they are going to be calling in the CDC. It’s a lesser… he coulda just pissed off a gang banger. Doesn’t matter who or how. It’s all cover up now.
Alright alright well…fuck [Rolls up the window and gets ready for damage control. I hated dealing with humans but even more so I hated dealing with cops. Snorting cause I was sitting next to a ex cop. Ok so there was only one exception and that was you. You were alright in my book and honestly someone I enjoyed fighting with. As we pull up to the scene of the crime I let out a scowl as I see all the cop cars then groans unbuckling  my belt before you even parked] Shit
-I looked down at my appearance and cursed. Looked over at Z and cursed louder. I might as well have rolled up on a Harley and started shooting up the joint. I twisted around as I remembered that I had some different clothes in the back but they weren’t going to do much for Z. My mind raced through ideas and when I looked back out at the scene I hit on one immediately.- Okay wait here a sec and I’ll be right back. -I reached over Z and popped open the glove box to pull out my old badge. Then I got out of the SUV and went behind it. I opened the back and quickly swapped my leather jacket for a suit coat.- Spies. That’s what we are. -I threw Z a wink and a grin before closing the back and making my way around the edge of the taped off scene. I flashed my badge and asked a few quick questions before I made it over to the right vehicle. I casually reached inside and grabbed one of the bright yellow hazmat suits and returned to the Escalade. I opened Z’s door and handed it to him with a wide grin like it was a new toy.- Put that bad boy on and act like you belong here and I bet you can put the whammy on all of em before they are the wiser. I’ll take care of dusting the lesser.
[Stares at the brightly yellow color suit that felt like a shower curtain. I look at the ex cop like he was crazy] Are you fucking kidding me? [Slowly I get out of the car and scowls looking at the hazmat suit] Oh for crying out loud [Unzips it before I step into the damn thing] Well don’t just stand there..fucking help me! [Grunts watching you move over with a shit eating grin. Once my arms and legs are in I zip the thing up. As you bring the hood up over my head I look at my reflection in the SUV] I look like Mr. White from breaking bad…[Snorts then looks over at the cop]This is retarded but if it helps to not cause a scene and have cops flashing their guns left and right..hell I’ll do it [Nods firmly]
Oh don’t worry, it’s wicked retahded. -I pressed my lips together to keep from busting up laughing and brought out my phone. I didn’t even give Z a moment to see what was doin before I snapped a picture.- Nother one for the ole album. -I tucked the phone back into my pocket so that Z wouldn’t get any wild ideas about snatching it from me.- Alright then… -Still trying not to laugh.- Lemme get you through this police line and you can start the clean up job. -I had to stop and duck my face into my arm as I let loose a laugh. I coughed and straightened up, clearing my throat some more and running my hand down the front of my suit coat. I took a deep breath and remembered how serious the sitch was as I took Z through the crowd. I called out to the crowd in front of us and told them to get out of the way, flashing my badge once more when we got to the tape.- This man’s gotta get in there and see how bad it is.
[Blinking as Butch pull out his phone, only to growl as the flash goes off] You son of a bitch [About to bare my fangs but I remember what we were here to do…and I had to stay cool. Narrows my eyes into thin slits as he starts to laugh] yeah yeah laugh it up shithead. Just shut the fuck up and lets go true? [Starts walking behind Butch. Hating that I was surround by a crowd of people…and even more so humans…humans that were cops. Moving in front of butch once we were at the tape and I begin wiping memory…and damn wasn’t that a job itself. They were so many people here. You had the cops, the detectives, then the CSI team. I watch you move away out of the corner of my eye but doesn’t move. I let you do your thing while I handle the humans]
-As soon as I saw that Z had his end of things under control and no one was even looking at him twice I made my way over to the ambulance. It seemed that the only reason they hadn’t carted the lesser off yet was because he was awake and thrashing around. It looked like a scene out of a zombie flick and everyone around had no idea what to do about it. I turned my head back to see how long it would take Z to make his way over to me. The medical personnel seemed to have their hands full taking care of the people that had been hurt by the flailing lesser. I walked up to the first officer that I saw and informed him that I would be taking the case over and I needed to question the guy. I didn’t even wait for him to start asking who the hell I was, I just walked into the van like I owned the place and closed it behind me. I ignored the lesser for the time being and crawled up to the driver’s seat.- Me and you are going for a lil joy ride. Hang on tight ya bastard. -I started the vehicle up and flicked on the lights and sirens.- Yee haw! -Soon as I cleared all of the people I tore outta there like a bat out of hell.-
[Curses under my breath as I watch Butch take off with the ambulance] Son of a bitch..[Moving over to the people I haven’t reached yet that looked pissed off while the people I already wiped walked around confused…Finally when I manage to get everyone I scan the area for anything that might be left over from the lesser but as I see everything is all clear I start to head back. I pause by the dumpsters and inhales a bit. Picking up a certain musky scent that had a bit of spices that reminded me of cinnamon I raise a brow not matching the scent with any of the disgusting humans] Hm [Pulls off the hood to the suit as I dart back to the Escalade]
-I drove straight to the nearest hospital, exactly where they would expect an ambulance to go. But I turned off the lights and sirens well before we got there and pulled into a regular parking spot. I unsheathed a dagger and went back to the lesser. I didn’t have the luxury of sucking him down right now since we still had something else to do tonight. I grabbed the chin of the lesser that had been spewing obscenities at me the whole time and looked him in the eye.- Tell me who did this too you and I’ll use this instead of erasing you from history. -I held up the dagger so that he could see it. The pale bastard spit in my face. ‘Some cocksuckin vamp. What do ya think?’ I smiled pleasantly.- Thank you. -I brought the dagger down smoothly sending him straight back to the Omega. It took me a few minutes to clear up all of the black blood in the rig but at least there was plenty of things to use to get the job done. I dug my phone back out and dialed Z hoping that he was done by now.- Hey man. I’m at the hospital. Come pick me up, I took care of the lesser.
[Pulling off the suit I stuff it in the back seat before I feel my phone buzz. Digging into my pockets to retrieve the damn thing…seeing its Butch I bring the device to my ear] Talk to me cop...[Nodding as I get into the drivers side] got it..and don’t fucking freak out, I’ll keep your baby safe and not crash the damn thing. Ok? Ok good [Hangs up the phone and makes my way to the hospital. Seeing a shit load of ambulances I scowl trying to figure out which one is you] Come on cop…[About to shoot you a text when I spot an ambulance parked around cars in the parking lot] and bingo was his name-o [I murmur before driving over to you]
-I threw up a wave to Z when I saw the Escalade enter the parking lot. I had a bag full of the stuff that I used to clean up the lesser blood tucked under my arm and I tried to not throw off the ‘Hey look at what that guy’s doing!’ vibe to anyone that might be around. I jogged over to the SUV and slid into the passenger seat casting a look at Z.- Ah you took off your new duds. And I picked em out special for you too. -I laughed and tucked the bag under my feet so that I could burn it later.- No one bothered you though did they? -Nodding my head with a knowing smile.- No one fucks with the guys in them suits, always means bad news. Like an instinct kinda thing. -I closed the door and slapped Z’s chest lightly with the back of my hand.- Hey, guess what? Seems like your hunch was right on, that lesser told me it was a vamp that did him in. So I guess it’s just a matter of finding the guy and instructing him on some of the finer methods of lesser slaying. -I leaned forward and caressed the dashboard, murmuring soothing tones.- It’s okay, baby. I’m sure he knows how to drive. -I laughed and relaxed back in my seat.- Just kidding, I’m not that big of a freakshow. Sheesh. -Laughing some more and then sobering quickly as I remember our other task tonight.- What say you swing on over to that Khristessa chick’s place so we can get that sitch handled before the King blows a gasket.

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