<My feet hit the floor the very second Wrath stumbled. In that moment you would have thought that I had a spring connected to my ass at how fast I sprung up from the chair I was sitting in. I shot around the desk and managed just in time to land on the ground, catching Wrath‘s head before it slammed to the floor like the rest of his oversized body. Sprawled out on the ground with a passed the fuck out Wrath‘s head in my lap, I threw my head back and shouted from the top of my lungs.> 911, KING DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Scrubbing a hand over my chest before I slide on the black turtleneck. Brows furrowing as I hear a loud scream then listens closely to the words..911? King…down? Wait what? Bolting out of my room and all but running to the sounds of the scream. Pushing open the double doors to see Qhuinn on the floor with Wrath on top of him] What the fuck happened?! [Racing over I reach for the king Grunting loudly as I heave him off of Qhuinn] fuck
<My head darted up as Z hauled ass through the doorway and all I could do was shake my head.> Dude, I don’t know. <As soon as Z hefted Wrath up I slid off the ground and grabbed one the froo froo pillows off the nearby chair and laid it on the floor for Z to lay Wrath’s head on it. I had to flex my fingers because my hands were shaking like a fucking leaf in the wind.> He was standing, talking and then man, he just went down.
King what?! -My head snapped up mid bite of my sandwich, dropping it and rising to my feet faster than a virginal cock on prom night. I wasted no time and quickly grabbed my bag, dashing through the halls and weaving my my way through some Doggens before bursting through the doors. All eyes suddenly found me and I tried to sort through all the questions I had- What the fuck, Qhuinn? Why are -Stopping mid sentence as my eyes trail down the floor, all things becoming way too fucking clear as I sunk to my knees beside Wrath, leaning in as one hand to my bag-How?
[As Doc P enters the room I feel my body heat up. Stop it Z. Shaking the thoughts I step back after wrath is set carefully on the ground] hell if I know...[Turning my head to look at qhuinn. Concerned shown on my face]
<I think I finally let out my first breath of relief when I was Piper come through the door.> He was good, he was drinking water, talking, and leaning back against his desk, then out of know where he took a step and went down like a ton of bricks. I don’t know what the fuck happened Pipes. <My head dropped as I rose up to get out of the way so that Piper more room to work and take care of Wrath.>
He just dropped? No warning? Did he say /anything/ Qhuinn? I’ts important? -My eyes found brothers own and my heart sank at the expressions on both, I had to look away. Focus on what I was doing while trying to pry anything I could from Qhuinn. Removing Wrath’s wrap arounds was terrifying. I knew how he was with anyone around his eyes, but I’d take the punishment. I snuck another glance at Z and Qhuinn- We need to get him to the PT
<I shook my head again at Piper> No, nothing, we was having a convo and then nothing. He was down
-The mansion was a pretty big place but it was still a completely enclosed unit and news always spread like wildfire. I was in the gym doing my best imitation of the Boston marathon on the treadmill when a frantic doggen popped his head around the corner. ‘The is King is down.’ I almost fell flat on my face as the running track yanked me backward.- What?! Where? -I turned off the music in case I’d hear the guy wrong. ‘In his office.’ The doggen took off like he had a fire under his feet toward the PT room, no doubt to prepare the place.- Shiiiit! -I grabbed a towel on the way out the door as fast as my feet would carry me. I wiped my face down and looped the cloth around my neck as I ran. Was times like this I wish I had that neat little trick of popping up where ever the hell. Least I already had my running shoes on. I took the stairs three at a time and skidded to a halt at the door to the king’s office taking in the scene quickly while I tried to catch my breath.- Alright. Let’s do this. -I went around to Wrath’s feet and grabbed two of his legs nodding to Z- You got the shoulders?
~Sleep, yuuup I was having the best sleep of my life, and the dreams were even better. All filled with Mr. Tall Dark and Sexy. But I knew reality was better than any dream I could have of Wrath. All night and into the morning hours we had spent them entwined in one way or another and I was looking for a repeat after some sleep and food, well maybe just sleep, lord knows with the males blood coursing through my veins I felt absolutely amazing. Scooting over I searched out the body heat that I had rubbed up on and wrapped myself around all day long. One eye popped open when my hand slid over the silken sheets and came up empty and then the other eye did the same. I pushed myself up and looked around the candle lit room for any sign of Wrath and came up with nothing. It was way too quiet so I slid from the bed and looked around for something to wrap around me. I walked into the bathroom and snagged a much too big robe hanging there on the back of the door and slipped it on. The sleeves hung well down past my hands and even the hem went and pooled around my feet.~ Oh damn, . ~I was just tying the knot at my waist when I heard a shout that rang through all the corners of the place and normally I wouldn’t pay much attention considering how my first night here I had heard Wrath bringing the roof down with his shouting. But as the words registered in my head my stomach flipped and my heart seized beating, ‘King Down’ was all that I could focus on. I grabbed the whole lot of extra material of the robe and took off on bare feet from Wrath’s Suite and followed the commotion. I had never seen so many Doggens in one place running about like their heads were cut off and luckily they were jabbering and I caught the word office and followed as they ran towards that way. I shoved, pushed and forced my way through the crowd until I was just inside the door. I didn’t know the others in the room but it wouldn’t have matter because all I could see was Wrath lying unmoving on the floor. My throat closed up and my eyes watered as cold fear gripped me from the inside out.~
[Everyone started to pack in the office. Trying to just focus on one thing I listen to butch and nods my head before moving to help him grab Wrath. Hooking my hands under his armpits before lifting him up. Stopping mid-way as I see Kisa enter the room. That is where shit really gets confusing for me. Growling about to curse her out I inhale the air to catch wrath’s scent all over her] Fuck… [I mutter under my breath before locking my black eyes on Butch’s hazel ones] Come on lets move..
-Watching as Butch and Z hoisted Wrath from the floor, eyes finally finding Kisa’s face and I rose quickly before I walked around the brothers, offering her what I hoped was a reassuring smile- We got him Kisa…-I brushed past her after a quick hug and ran ahead to make sure the Doggens had gathered everything and anything I could possibly need-
-I hefted the weight of the large male and started the awkward crab-like movements that would eventually get us out the door. I stopped momentarily when I saw Kisa and did a double take.- Matching robes. How cute. Nice to see you again and sorry bout your friend. -I readjusted so that I had a good grip and wasn’t gonna lose him on the wonderful trip down the stairs.- Nice and easy, Z. I don’t want this to turn into a giant snowball if you catch my drift.
~I barely caught a word that Butch or Piper said but I did hear the muttered word from Z. I pushed it away I followed closely behind the two males carrying Wrath. I thought for a split second how a place this massive should have a damn elevator, someone should look into that. My heart was in my throat with each step and I almost missed a step as the large robe hooked onto my toe but I gripped the railing quickly and straightened myself. Taking a deep breath I was right back behind Butch and Z as they slowly made their way down the steps.~
[Moving carefully down the steps with Butch Making sure to look where I was walking because if I misplaced my step we would all be tumbling down the steps..and I was in no mood for that. I let out a breath as we finally hit the foyer. Turning to move to the door underneath the staircase. My head swimming with thoughts. Who was this female? I mean obviously Wrath’s ah….lover. But who was she? Shaking my head I try to just focus on getting the big guy to the PT. Trying real hard not to look at Piper …scribe, she was beautiful]
-Now this was pressure, this was the moment I dreaded Dealing with a mate while trying to was once thing, but a whole house full of brother breathing down my neck while I worked on Wrath may test every limit I had. My head turned and I motioned both Z and Butch to table in the middle, Doggens were already and waiting at either side for my next word. table in the middle, Doggens were all ready and waiting at either side for my next word. I knew the moment Z’s eyes fell on me and my entire body heated as I waited- Has this ever or anything close to this..episode happened before?
I was just coming in from the underground garage and making my way through the tunnels. Fucking Glymera ranting about security, well the the shit was done now, fuck it was done already they just wanted something to bitch about. My irritation level was over the damn top and I was either going to hit the gym and work this shit out or find my male and fuck it out. I almost grinned with that thought in my head but that shit was cut off when I saw Butch and Z carting Wrath into the PT rooms. All senses went on alert and pounded my way down the tunnels. What the fuck, was the Manse invaded, or what. I had my dagger in hand as I skidded to a stop at the doorway and it was easy enough to tell that there was no visible wounds, no blood was in the air but my Brother was not moving. My eyes took on a sudden high beam headlight glow as they touched on each being there. Even my fangs were punching through making it impossible for my mouth to shut and I snarled out one thing. “What the fuck happened to my Brother?”
-I’d just barely set my end of Wrath on the table when I turned to see my hellren all sexy and angry in the doorway. Couldn’t blame him, not one bit. I was pretty fucking curious what the shit was going on here as well but I hadn’t exactly just now walked into it either. I stepped away from Wrath and looked at V.- He collapsed. Don’t know why yet. -Just then Fritz wiggled his narrow ass into the room and raised his hand all politely.- Out with it, man. You know something now’s the time to tell it. -He glanced nervously down at the King. ‘He wouldn’t want me speaking about it. In fact he forbade me from doing so. But this is different. He’s had real bad headaches lately and the other night I found him like this at his desk. He’s getting worse.’-
~I made it through the same tunnels that Wrath had taken me to the night Sean was found and I almost faltered in my step when I realized we was going in that same room. I didn’t want Wrath in there, I wanted him in his bed where he belonged but I knew that wasn’t practical at all. I halted right at the door when another male came bounding down the hallways and then I saw the brightest light reflect from his eyes and I was on the verge to say a “Oh come on” I mean do all these brothers have some hocus pocus trick going on inside them. I stepped inside and moved around till I good have a view of wrath on the table but not in the way. Out of nowhere Fritz stepped in between all the male testosterone and spoke about what had been going on. My head hung a little and I moved closer so that I could lay my hand on Wrath‘s head. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay there long but I had to touch him, I wanted that contact and I had hoped that maybe he might feel me near him if I did.~
[It seemed that more and more people kept filling the room and that was making me itch. Me being a person that gets uncomfortable around a crowd I push myself all the way into the corner of the room. Crossing my arms over my chest as I nod at Vishous before listening in on fritz. Of course Wrath has been keeping shit from us…scribe virgin he was stubborn like all of us but this shit was serious. I watch as that female came in again. Son of a bitch..how many secrets were there. Any other people I should fucking know about? Shaking my head as I watch her go to him, a sad but concerned look on her face. To get everyone’s attention I whistle] Aye Yo[As eyes turn to me I instantly focus on something else in the room] First thing…piper is there anything you can do about this? I mean…medicine to take away the headaches…stronger glasses…hell if I know but if not then we may need to contact havers or something...[Not really liking that thought but hell it was the king]
-I watched each Doggen as they worked making damn fucking sure they weren’t missing anything. Only to leap out of my god damn skin when I heard the loud arrival of V. It’s been a while since I’d seen him and never /ever/ had I experienced this type of anger radiate from him. I paused a moment debating my words, all the while my eyes watched as Kisa crept towards the king and rested her palm to his forehead. I bit back a sigh- Fritz…has he ever had any tests done? Or even…a scan? Anything I can compare things too? -I let out a breath and maneuvered around Kisa and the King, pulled the small light from my pocket and propped open Wrath’s eyes again, letting out a defeated breath- His vitals are all what’s to be expected but I just…he’s gonna need to let me run tests that I know he isn’t going to like..
My eyes dimmed down to a dull light as I listened to Fritz, then I wanted to throttle My Brother for keeping this shit locked down tight. My hand holding the Dagger was turning white easily from the grip I had on it. I moved closer to my Nallum and before I bothered speaking again, I took one long deep ass breath of him into my lungs. Just as always, it had the affect to bring me into the game from a better aspect. I let out the deep breath and looked over at Piper.” You do exactly what you was brought here to do, stitch up and keep the Brothers alive.” My iridescent eyes narrowed on Piper ” That goes triple for the King. So serve your purpose Dr.” I slid the blade in my holster and stepped back towards the door. “I’ll be right here watching everything you do.”
-I placed a hand on V’s chest as he began laying into Piper. I could practically feel the energy vibrating through him. I could see that this was a frickin powder keg just waiting to go off and I watched his dagger carefully as he waved it around. I breathed out a small sigh of relief as he sheathed it.- Come on, love. Let’s let the Doc do her thing. We can watch from outside the hallway. -I glanced around the room quickly.- Too crowded in here anyway. We aren’t helping Wrath get better like this. -I was right behind him as he turned toward the door.-
[Listening to piper hoping like hell she could figure out something….anything. Pushing off on the wall about to add another thing but stops as I hear V’s words. My black eyes narrowed into slits and I could feel the anger building up. The temperature in the room drops. Enough to make you shiver. Lips peel back to let out a snarl] Excuse me? [Pushes forward towards the male only to get stuck with butch instead as he moves in front of V. Peering around the cop to look at the fucker] Is that what you think of her? As just someone to patch us up and nothing more [Fangs elongate to the fullest] I know your upset about what is doing with Wrath…hell I am to..yeah me..the one with no soul actually is upset about our king. But that does not give you the fucking right to talk to her like that [Growls out] Apologize…NOW
-For once I could honestly say I was terrified, the way V’s eyes bore into mine caused my heart to come to a rapid stop and kinda just puttered there for a moment. I know his words weren’t his it was a response to panic but it didn’t mean they stung any less. I pulled what I need from my bag and settled them to my left, and did exactly what I was here for. I had tuned everyone out barely picking up on the brewing storm behind me till heard Z shout. Thankfully the needle I just had in Wrath’s arm was free, as I jumped a good few feet in the air. I just stood there, staring between the three of them and I had every intention of telling them all to shut the fuck up and get out..but right now, only a small squeak squeezed past my lips-
I barely felt the change in the temp as the power radiated through me in a heat wave and my very fingers hidden away beneath the leather pulsated. Slowly I turned around with a dark as fuck grin on my face. “Well you tell me Z, she is the Dr, is that not her fucking purpose. Or wait man, don’t tell me your dick is pointing in her direction also?” The chuckle that came out was throaty and fit my grin to a T. “Never known you to get bent over any fucking female before, shit I watched you feed and leave them in an alley. This one must have some type of golden pussy between her thighs. First HollyWood, now you, damn Brothers are going down like flies. And that apology, yeah you can shove that up your ass. If you want a piece of me, you can have it, but your ass will wait till the King is on his feet, then I will be more then fucking happy to beat you down. Maybe it will knock some fucking sense into your head, I will call it my goodwill beating.”
-My eyes flew wide at this whole fucking exchange and I braced my shoulder against V in case he suddenly decided to take a shot at Z. One arm went around V’s waist and I turned to hold a hand up to Z.- Now is not the time or place for any of this. We are only making things harder on the one person that actually is doing something right now. -I looked back to Vishous laid my hand lightly on the side of his face.- You’ve said what you wanted to say. Now please, baby. Let’s go. -My face twisted as I was torn between standing up for my sister and backing my hellren. In the end it was a no brainer, I would always stand by Vishous. But this sucked all around.-
[Didn’t matter what Butch said..hell all it was to me was background noise. To me he was someone who was defending his mate even though so clearly that mother fucker was way wrong. No matter what the fucking situation you don’t say shit like that..at least not around the likes of me. Letting out a powerful growl that seemed to vibrate the room I lunge forward. Using my body to push hard at butch. Knocking him aside just a bit…just enough to get my hands around V’s throat. Squeezing hard enough to cut off his breathing. Growling out] You mother fucker! [Slamming him back into the wall. Pulling one hand back to sucker punch him] You fucking -piece of shit! Don’t you ever talk to her like that! [Black eyes darken even more, crazy look in them] Or i’ll make sure it’s your last.. FUCKING FEEL ME? [Pulling back I pant trying to calm down before moving back into the room]
My grin only grew wider as the adrenaline and anticipation coarse through when I saw Z move. I knew it was going to happen even before Z started to twitch. I let out a deep breath and pushed Butch out of the way. I had enough sense to know this was a scuffle but if Z touched Butch then his blood would flow through my fingers. My head hit the wall as soon as Z’s hands locked around my neck and my eyes glowed brighter. I actually waited it out a few seconds without moving and only stared directly into Z’s black eyes. My breaths were nothing but pants but the grin didn’t falter. I brought both my hands up in a flash and caught Z on either side of his head, giving me enough time to break free of the hold and miss the sucker punch and letting Z fly into the nice wall instead. I let my hands drop to my sides and spoke.” If you think you can do it, have at it Brother, the Scribe couldn’t and she has bigger balls than you.” chuckling hoarsely I rubbed at my throat Z and reached a hand out to Butch. My diamond eyes softened.”I’m sorry my Nallum.”
-I stood there shaking uncontrollably. It was like a horror movie unraveling in front of my eyes and I wasn’t sure what to do. One thing was for certain I was tired of being shoved aside just so that I could watch these two go at it. I sneered when V brought his hand up and shoved it aside. In almost the same motion I spun around and decked Z as hard as I could. I didn’t wait for any sort of retaliation. I pushed past both of them and hauled ass down the tunnels. I wasn’t sure where I was going but it wasn’t straight back the Pit that’s for sure.-
[Scowling out as Butch gets in a hit. Stumbling back then just shaking my fucking head. My eyes flicker to Piper mouthing ‘i’m sorry..’ before I push away and just heads the fuck out of here..hell maybe out of the mansion. I just need fucking air and I knew the small confines of my room would not cut it]
I watched a pissed off Butch and an even more pissed Z. Scrubbing my hand down my face I looked over at Piper. “Well fuck, guess that’s one way to clear a room out.” I moved closer to the table and rubbed at the marks around my neck. Shaking my head I had to swallow a few times before I looked at Piper. “Not going to lie, when Rhage left I lay part of that at your feet. Seeing Z come at me like he just did….” I had to clear my throat a few times to try and get it to open up some so I could speak.”Fucker has hands of steel, but if you tell him I won’t admit it. I’ll drop the Rhage thing, start this new slate thing. But don’t fuck Z over. Butch being your brother or not you will have to deal with me then. We good?”
-The entire thing played out before my eyes and all I could do was watch helplessly and fight the urge to crawl into a corner and cry. I couldn’t process anything anyone said, just sat there numb. Willing the tears to remain where they were and my heart to just stop aching for a few moments. My eyes fell as V took a few steps closer and it took everything in me not to snap as I listened to every word V said before finally speaking. The words that fell were colder than I intended- What happened between Rhage and I…was our own business, V. Just like whatever happens with Zsadist. But yeah we’re good. -I didn’t even lift my head to look at V, only shrugged a shoulder while a hand shot up to quickly wipe at my cheek-
I walked to the door and looked back Piper. “You are wrong there, in this family, it involves all as a whole, me and Butch has issues, it effects the whole fucking Manse, whether we like it to or not. It just is what it is. I’ll be sitting out in the hall if he wakes or you need me.“I nodded and stepped out letting the door shut behind me. I took a seat on the ground directly across from the PT doors and watched it like a hawk.
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