-I rolled over in bed and tried to remember what fucking day it was. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair then turned my head to look back at the beautiful male stretched out next to me. Being here with him had a way of fucking with my internal clock, time flew by in weird sunless intervals. We had said our goodbyes last night but that didn’t make it any easier to leave him now. And boy what a send off. I had to hand it to the guy he sure as hell knew how to make me want to say ‘fuck it’ to the rest of the world and fall back in bed with him. I was sure I would drive him crazy eventually though. Abrasive. I think that was the word they liked to use for me. It was supposed to be nicer than straight up calling me an asshole. In the end I had to at least make an appearance in the real world or Jose would have a fit. My torso twisted some and I lightly brushed a finger over the side of V’s face. He looked completely different when he was asleep like this. His features were relaxed and even peaceful. I drew my hand back and clenched my fist, willing my body to get a fucking move on. The longer I stayed here debating shit, the more likely I was to never leave. I turned back around and finally stood up from the bed. Somewhere on this floor I knew there had to be the clothes that I came here wearing. I doubted that V hauled me all the way here in just my boxers. Although… I raised an eyebrow and glanced back at him, biting back a laugh. I could actually see him doing something like that and the image it formed in my head was hilarious. I had to kick aside some sheets until I finally found my clothes and when I picked them up I half considered leaving them there. They were still covered in the smell of all of the alcohol that I’d consumed before ending up here. Walking around in my boxers didn’t seem like much of an option though so I grabbed up the clothes and pulled them on. No point in bothering with a shower at this point, no matter what I did I was going to end up stinking like booze. I rifled through my pockets until I found my phone and checked the time, noticing that I had a voicemail message. As I suspected it was bright as shit outside. I glanced at my car and shook my head. That was going to be a no go. I wasn’t about to open up the doors and invite the sun in to charcoal broil my… lover. Yeah, that shit was going to take some getting used to. I walked back over to the side of the bed that he was laying on and leaned down to gently press my lips to his. I brushed an errant lock of hair from his face and inhaled his scent long and deep before pulling the sheet up around him and turning to leave. I snagged up my shoes on the way to a smaller side door and shoved my feet in to them as I walked, almost ending up on the floor for my efforts. I checked to make sure that I still had my wallet and ducked out the door as silently as I could manage. When I got outside I had to shield my eyes from the sudden glare of the sun. Damn, shoulda grabbed my hat. It did a number on a guy to actually not see the sun for a few days. I started hoofing it in no direction in particular, I just needed to put some distance between V’s hideout and where ever the fuck I was going to catch a cab. I put my phone up to my ear and listened to the voicemail that was waiting for me. It appeared that I had been officially scheduled for my psych eval. I checked the time and put some fire under my feet. If I wanted to be even partially presentable I needed to get my ass moving. I looked around at the street signs and called a cab to pick me up a few blocks away. The cabbie wrinkled his nose when I got in the car and I gave him an apologetic shrug. I had him wait outside of my apartment while I took the quickest shower on record. I was still running the electric shaver over my face when I got back in the car. I gave him a new address and attempted to fix my rumpled suit. These shrinks were usually nothing more than an annoyance but knowing my luck this would be the one time I would have a problem with one. I needed to at least pretend that I had my shit together. The litany of questions was all pretty standard until they go to the end. And there was the real root of the matter. I watched with an amused smirk as the shrink tried to dance around straight up asking me if I was seeing a guy. She wasn’t allowed to discriminate but she had to find out if it would be an issue. I leaned forward slowly with the smirk still in place and spoke slowly.- I punched the guy because he’d been cracking jokes all night and I’d just gotten into a disagreement with my date. Otherwise I would have face-huggered the guy all damn night just to give that asshole a show. -I sat back and straightened my tie while watching her reaction.- Won’t happen again. -I had to give her props, she kept a straight face and just nodded while writing down some notes. Of course I wouldn’t know the results until she told my captain. She pinned on a fake smile and told me I was done. I caught another cab back to my apartment where I changed back into some jeans and t-shirt and actually made myself useful by cleaning up the place. Pretty much everything in the fridge had to be thrown out, it all looked like some crazy science experiment. When I was done I flopped down on the couch, ordered a pizza and flicked on the TV. I was starved, tired and missing someone already. Not necessarily in that order.-
Scribe Virgin
*frustration is taking the best of me. Seeing Vishous and Butch together is making me more upset than anything. My son can’t love a man and I have to do something about it. There are plenty of ways to make my command be obeyed but I don’t want to use force, I did once and it is not working. I have to be smarter, I have to think of something definite….this can’t get out of my hands again. But how? I sit on a chair and think. Since Butch left him and moved back to his place I have been thinking of taking advantage of it. Maybe I can pay Butch a visit…yes, that is a great idea. He, now, has to leave him, either he likes it or not he is going to leave and make like they never met “willingly”. Or I will have to use my….magic -evil laugh- Butch prepare to meet your worst nightmare. Standing up from my chair, dematerializing in a ray of light and materializing in Butch’s place, just in front of him. A devious smile spreading on my face* Good evening, Butch… *seeing his face turn to meet my gaze… shocked?…scared? laughing*
-The piece of pizza I had been about to shove in my face dropped straight in my lap as soon as some hooded figure appeared in front of me. Since I was in a habit of being frequented by ghost and I was pretty sure that I hadn’t hit my head recently, I was left at a loss as to what the fuck was going on here. And the chick straight outta Star Wars knew my name. Wasn’t that just par for the course on this weird fucking week?- Apparently knocking is not considered polite anymore. -Before I even finished the sentence my gun was in my hand and I didn’t even wait for Casper the Jedi to respond before I pulled the trigger. I don’t care who the fuck you think you are, you don’t just drop in at my house.-
Scribe Virgin
I don’t need to be polite with you. And put that down. *steps closer and my gaze is locked on your hand holding the gun* Butch, Butch, Butch… *evil laugh* Listen to me and listen carefully… I don’t care what you think. I want you to stay away from Vishous. All you have to do is disappear from his life. *I feel the anger growing inside you. I am sure you don’t have a clue of who I am but you will do what I told or you will suffer* Do you get it?
-My head tilts all the way to the side with what I’m sure is a ‘what the fuck’ look on my face as you are completely unaffected by the bullet. I squeeze off a few more rounds for good fucking measure, and just to make myself feel better, each with the same result. Frustrated with the worthless piece of shit, I stand up and throw it at you instead.- Who the fuck do you think you are?! And since when is it any of your business who the hell I choose to bang? -Like I hadn’t already tried that whole ‘leaving Vishous alone’ bit already. All that fucking got me was drunk in a ditch and back at his place. A stupid smile spread across my face. Actually, that had worked out pretty well. I couldn’t help but laugh.- This is not the Cop you are looking for. -Waving my hand and laughing. Hell, crazy shit was just cropping up I might as well try something stupid myself.-
Scribe Virgin
*laughing at your expression and catching the gun, watching you.* Measure your tone and actions, Butch! *growls and throws the gun back at you. Narrowing my eyes and cocking my head to the side* Who I am is not of your business. I am not here to be questioned. *chin up, smiling at you and shaking my head* Who Vishous bangs it is MY business. *ignoring your defiant tone and sure as fuck I am not explaining myself to you I, speak with a calm but confident voice* You, my dear Butch, are the right Cop. And you are going to do what I am telling you to do or you will suffer. *snarls* Or live with the consequences of whatever I decide to do with Vishous. *steps closer and leans in, my face just inches away from yours* Don’t you dare to Disobey my command… *smiles evilly* Is that clear enough for you?
-I dodge the gun as you throw it back at me and it shatters the lamp behind me.-Damn it, I fucking liked that lamp. -I folded my arms across my chest and listened to your little tirade. I can feel the corner of my eye start to twitch.- Who the fuck died and made you Queen? -I wanted to take a step back when you got in my face but I held my ground and even jutted out my head to mock a snap at your nose.-Listen lady I’m not a big one on taking commands. You either have to be a whole lotta naked or my boss and I don’t listen to him too well either. I admit your little parlor tricks are pretty impressive but you are still making little to no sense at all. Last I looked Vishous wasn’t married so I fail to see how he gets his rocks off would bother you in the slightest.
Scribe Virgin
*shrugs my dainty shoulders at the tirade of the human and once he run out the steam I simply snap my fingers and watch him struggle to breath, laughing hardily*
-I stumble back as soon as my airway is cut off and pull the classic stupid maneuver of grabbing my throat like that will help anything. My eyes bulge out and I fall back on the couch. My mouth opens and closes like a fish as I struggle for a breath. My mind races through what and the hell is going on here and I come up with a lot of nothing. Probably cause I can’t fucking breathe. I raise up a palm and wave it around like a madman trying to get this shit to stop right fucking now.-
Scribe Virgin
*walks a slow circle around the struggling human, barely watching but hearing the gasping noises easily. I stop once in front of him, again, and slowly pronounce each word* You will either stay away from Vishous or this won’t be a parlor trick, I will skin the male while he breathes and you will watch and be able to do nothing to help. Now, I’ll give you air back and I will have your answer. No more of your tirades, just answer me.
-I met your eyes straight on and let your words sink in to the small portion of my brain that could still figure shit out. Somehow I knew that things between V and I were too good to be true. My eyes narrowed and I dropped my hands to my side. I was either going to die here or bitch in a robe was going to let me go. Either way, I wasn’t going to beg or grovel for it. I just sat there as calm as I could manage while my body was staging a revolt.-
Scribe Virgin
*a devious smile spreads in my face as I see you give up and with a snap of my fingers I give your air back and hear you gasp for a deep breath* I see you got my point, Butch. Now I want to hear your answer. *chuckles* Take your time, breathe.
-My back arched off of the couch as I took in breath like I was coming out of the water. I grabbed at the cushions to keep from falling forward and finally slumped back. I glared up at you and didn’t bother hiding the corner of my lip from turning up.- What makes you think that I can keep him away from me? In case you hadn’t noticed he kind of comes and goes as he pleases.
Scribe Virgin
*the light around me heightens and I stand there, still as a statue as I look down at you* You will make sure that Vishous stays away from you. If you know anything about him, then you know that he has let you in where no one else has even been allowed to step. Which means you have the power to take him down and stop him in his tracks. Now, you will use that power against him to save him.
-A growl ripped out of my throat and I had to resist the urge to leap off of the couch and close my hands around your neck.- You have no idea what you are asking me to do! Why don’t you just kill me right now and get it over with? -The mere thought of tearing Vishous to shreds like that had my stomach lurching and I had to bite back the bile from rising.-
Scribe Virgin
*yet again my shoulders shrugs slightly and I look deep into your eyes, speaking slowly so you can process my words* Your death would only bring about Vishous’ death. I know it and so do you. *sighs and walks around you* It is better that you crush him from the inside than to have me dole out the final death blow to him.*standing in front of you again* In the time he will mend, it is what he does. *shrugs slightly* But enough of this, Butch. I want your word that you will do what needs to be done or I will step in and take the measures that I have laid out to you. *I raise my brow and wait for your response*
-My head dropped in my hands when I felt another bout of nausea hit me.- Yeah… sure… he will mend… -He might actually. I didn’t know. He lived a lot longer than me so it was possible. I looked through my fingers up at you. I was tired of looking at the one who was forcing me to do this.- Are we done now cause I’m pretty sure I’m going to puke on your feet? -I waved a hand dismissively, trying my damnedest to banish you so that I could be alone in my misery. I was pretty fucking sure that I wasn’t that good of a goddamn liar to do this but a death because of me was the last fucking thing I wanted.-
Scribe Virgin
Yes, Butch. We are done after I have your word you will do as told. *nods once*
-I shot up off of couch and advanced on you with a snarl. Consequences be damned at this point.- You have my word. -Each word bit off through clenched teeth.- My word that I will rip to shreds the only thing that I’ve ever loved on your word that you will keep your ass where ever the hell you came from and not kill him. -Poking my finger at you.- You want my word, you give me yours. For whatever the fuck that is worth.
Scribe Virgin
*standing on my ground, snarling back at you and grabbing your hand, squeezing it hard so your knuckles crack* That’s all I needed from you. *letting go off your hand* As long as you keep your word, you won’t hear from me. Have a good night, Butch. *and right before your eyes I vanish like thin air*
-I fell to the floor clutching my busted up hand. It was like all the strings had been taken out of the puppet. I sat there for a long time staring at the crappy carpet until I finally stumbled up and made my way to the fridge. I pulled out a bag of frozen peas and draped it over my hand and slumped back into a chair at the kitchen table. I still felt like puking but I concentrated on keeping it down, swallowing a few times before my head just hit the table and I laid there too stunned to let go of the tears that threatened to flow.-
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