Laying back on the cot, I raised my gloved hand up in front of my face and slowly with my free hand I pulled the leather off each finger until I held the glove between my non cursed fingers. Turning my hand this way and that way, I growled in disgust and swiftly pulled the leather covering back over it. My head tilted back and I looked over at the door, it had been 72 hours since the King of the race had found me blacked out in some closet in an abandoned building. All in all, the accommodations hadn’t sucked too badly, true to his kingly word, a chosen had been sent down, accompanied by the ever stoic in charge brother Tohr. Only her wrist was allowed inside the door and as soon as I was done they both retreated and locked that shit back up. The wounds on my back and sides were gone now, and my legs just yesterday, felt like I could leap from tall buildings bit. I knew it was only a matter of counting the minutes before that proverbial shit hit the fan and one or all the brothers decided to take turns on trying to use me as part of their Gym work out equipment. Not like I didn’t deserve it so game on but also wasn’t in me to sit back and take a kicking and not drive some hitters of my own in. That 72 hour mark kicked into play in my head, and it also ticked off the last time I seen the Cop, fucker probably thought I was gone and damn glad for it. Shaking my head as I dragged my ass up off the cot. Fuck no, I would get out of here and do some tracking on one of Caldwell’s finest. Bracing my elbows on my knees, my head falls into my hands and right then I wished some one would come and kick my ass, because all I could see was a certain male half laid out on his messy as fuck bed and I had only been feet away from him at the time, yeah I had some major control rocking that night. My head came up when I heard the distinct sound moving closer to the door and then the unmistakable lock clicking in all the right places before the door popped open about an inch. I sat there waiting for who ever to do what the fuck ever they was going to do, my brows dropped down a degree lower and I pushed off the cot, I knew before even approaching the door that there was no one on the other side anymore. Slow as molasses I pulled the door open and peered down either ends of the half lit tunnel, nothing or no one was around. So one of two things, the Brothers wanted to do a cat and mouse chase or some moron liked me or hated the brothers shrugging my large healed up shoulders, I didn’t give a fuck, this was a shot I wasn’t missing out on. Stepping outside of the room, I shut the door quietly and made my way towards the right, I knew my first stop was the oh great ones study, he kept all his Brotherhood stuff locked away in there and I wasn’t leaving here without my Daggers. Pulling up the layout in my mind, I went over all the solutions, and the best one that had the less traffic was the servant’s tunnels and back ways. I found the laundry room and keeping my eyes on constant scan mode, I grabbed up some clothes that had just been laundered for one of the brothers and thankfully found a hoodie in the stack along with some black track pants. Changing out clothes and pulling the hood down low over my face, I headed back out and slipped up the back stairway until I reached the second floor and walked down the hall like I belonged in the Manse. Coming up on the door of the King’s Study, I waited and zoned into till I knew there was not a heart beat one in the room and then slipped on in. A slow steady cocky grin slid into place when I seen my blades still in my holster lying on his way too feminine desk.”Fucker was too comfy up in his own home bad mistake there.” Shoving the holster under the thick fleece, I silently moved back out in the hall and fuck there was two brothers down below in the foyer. Pulling away, I went back in the direction I came and reaching the bottom floor again. Good thing for me it was night bad thing for me, it was the first families meal time and Doggen’s were starting to pop up every damn where. Growling in some harsh irritation I lowered my head and when a female one tried to talk to me, I just nodded and moved on past her, do the same thing with the next two that came my way until finally there was the fucking back door and without breaking stride I went through it and didn’t stop until I was a good five feet away before dematerializing to the safety of my warehouse.
(Standing on the top floor, licking my grape popsicle I watched in humorous fascination as the now forgotten Brother, made his way to Wrath’s study, and down through the maze of getting out of the Brotherhoods Compound. I had to make sure he didn’t screw up the escape I laid out for him; sometimes Vamps weren’t the smartest of the races out there. Licking my now purple lips, I walked down to the end of the long corridor, coming up on the window that displayed the whole glorious back yard; I stayed long enough to see the prisoner vanish into thin air and then headed to the theater room. There was a marathon of Teen mom’s tonight and I had Fritz fill the room with popcorn of all flavors and enough soda to float a decent size boat on. Things in the compound were not in sync, parts of what made the Brotherhood family were lost and everyone knew it somewhere deep inside, just didn’t know why so know one spoke about it. It would really be a bad thing if the males in residence ended up killing one of their own just because a bipolar controlling schizophrenic Female Goddess has her non existent panties in a wad. V might not be at the top of my BFF buddies but he was a warrior and his male deserved to get him back in one piece, even though the male cop didn’t know the male Vamp was his male. Rubbing my temple and closing my eyes.) An Angel with a headache, this stuff with those two is never simple. (Shutting that all out I grabbed up the remote and landed my precious bottom in the big recliner theater seat.)
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