-I hadn’t had much contact with the person that I came to accept as my sister and I actually felt bad about that. After dropping the bomb with Vishous, I realized that this was something that I needed to at least talk to her about and I’d completely avoided the subject. Granted there were other things that I had to worry about but weren’t there always? Maybe I should get her out of the mansion… I knew that since she had come here there hadn’t been much of a chance for her to get out and about. It was actually one of the hazards of moving in with the Brothers. If you knew where they lived than you were a liability. As far as security went that kind of thing appealed to me since she was my sister after all. I’d failed a sister before, this almost felt like a new chance for me. I stood in the large closet that I had loaded up with tailored suits with a towel around my waist still from the quick shower that I’d taken. It didn’t take me long to pick out a charcoal grey suit that I paired with a purple shirt and a striped tie. I smiled as I went to the dresser and used the bullet cuff links that V had given me for Valentine’s Day. Even if the male didn’t like me wearing clothes, he still fed into my love of dressing well. I slicked my hair back and took a look at myself in the mirror. I’d never been able to afford this shit on a cop’s pay. For me it was almost like my way of distinguishing this life from my past. No matter what I wore though, I always had my daggers strapped to my chest along with various other weapons. It had been ingrained in me long ago and it wasn’t a habit that I was about to give up on. I knew that Vishous was around somewhere but I wasn’t entirely sure where. This wasn’t really something that I thought he would want to get down on anyway. I went to his desk and scrawled out a note in my messy handwriting: ‘Taking Piper out of the Manse for a few. Be back later. Love ya, B.’ I propped the note up where I thought that he would see it and left the Pit. I wasn’t exactly sure where in the mansion Piper was but it was always a safe bet to check the PT room first and it was the closest so that was were I went. I was whistling some random tune as I came around the corner and saw Piper face planted on the desk in front of her sawing logs with the best of them. I half considered turning around and leaving her there to get her rest but the asshole in me wouldn’t let that happen. I raised my hands up and slammed them down on the desk next to her, shouting at the top of my lungs.- Oh my God! Get up! Everyone is covered in blood and full of holes! We are all gonna die!!!
-I had long lost track of the time hours ago as I got lost in my old workbooks, rereading, sketching out diagrams and doing anything to keep myself hidden and distracted. I swear my eyes had just lulled shut and my head had finally found a comfy place to rest, happily keep myself hidden and distracted. I swear my eyes had just lulled shut and my head had finally found a comfy place to rest only to be ripped right out of my tranquil moment when I heard the urgency behind Butch’s shrieks. I didn’t understand one fucking word he uttered but the intent was there and my body shot up at attention, eyes barely open as I mumbled- Balls….fuck what?! Who?! -Swiping a hand across my chin groaning loudly at the wetness coating my hand. I drooled?!…and quickly moved as I desperatly tryed to will my lids open further and my eyes to focus, only to stumble over my heels- Fucking hell
-I rolled with laughter as soon as I saw the blurry-eyed look that greeted me. The drool was an extra special touch that had my sides hurting and yet I still had enough sense about me to reach out and keep you from falling flat on your ass when you met with the ever present danger of your own feet.- Okay, that was totally worth it right there. How’s the ticker? -I set you back on your feet and stepped back to lean against the wall with a huge as hell grin.- That’s a good way to ruin your paperwork. -Pointing to the papers that you had been drooling all over.- Not to mention the wonderful things it does for the side of your face. The newsprint look is totally in style right now though. -Holding a thumb up.-
-Shooting a glare at Butch once my eyes focused enough to see who it was, laughing as a hand rested against my chest- I think it’s still beating at a safe human pace -Shaking my head while I fished a compact free doing a double take before grumbling- Why is it always you that finds me in this position? -Licking two fingers and scrubbing at the news print- My klutziness is always at it’s best when I am woken like that…and hells bells Butch. Why?! -laughs harder- Expect payback. -Tossing a pencil at your and that grin- What was so important that you needed to disrupt my….reading time?
Unless you are reading it off the side of your face than I seriously doubt that is what’s going down here. -I hooked one foot over the other in a completely relaxed stance- I dunno, I thought maybe you would want to get out of the mansion for awhile. But I can always go away and come back some other time if you need your beauty sleep… -I looked down at my fingernails and dug out some dirt, glancing up at you with an arched brow.-
Out? –The word leaped from my throat with more excitement than I intended and I swear my heart jack rabbited a little harder, fighting every urge to do a little dance and fist pump right along with some untz untz untzing. The truth was I desperately needed out.- Oh fuck YES! No chance you’re leaving without me –laughing at how desperate that sounded- I mean…Yes please. I could use a few hours away from here. But are you sure you want to risk it? –Smirking a little and shrugging a small shoulder- Look at my track record.
-I smiled at your initial reaction and had to shake my head at the rest of it.- You trying to convince me to turn around and walk outta here? Shit, girl. You’ve never been out with me though have you? -Chuckling and standing up straight again.- No matter how hard I try, I still ooze Cop darlin. It has its advantages. Now, are you going like that… -pointing to your outfit- Or should I come back three hours from now when you have your makeup on? -Smirking and checking my watch just to be an ass.-
No I haven’t been out with you -Glancing down at my scrubs and snickering- I’d rock this outfit regardless of where we went, but I’ll change into something a little more fitting to what you’re wearing. -laughs hard watching your casual watch glance before rolling my eyes- And it has never taken me /hours/ to get ready. Give me twenty and I’ll meet you out front? -Bouncing from foot to foot grinning like a fool. Soon I’d have sweet glorious freedom-
Hey, I don’t know how long it takes you to do your thing. I’ve seen chicks take so long I thought the second coming was going to happen first. -I ran my fingers down the lapels of my suit and fastened the button.- Twenty minutes seems reasonable. -I grinned and gave you a nod before turning on my heels.- And you don’t have to match me, I tend to over dress. -Laughing over my shoulder before heading to the garage. Fritz had been nice enough to retrieve the Escalade which was good fricking news because I hated driving anything else now. I flipped the stereo to something I liked and blasted it while driving around to the front of the mansion. Rolling down the window, I kicked back and chilled with a cigarette while waiting for Piper.-
No doubt from me on that statement. You tend to over shoot the most casual of places but it’s what you do best. I’ll be out soon -Waiting only long enough for his footsteps to soften before turning on my heels and dashing rather quickly to the bathroom. My shower was quick, hot and cleansed just enough of the sleep away for me to function. To say I was shocked by Butch’s unexpected arrival and invitation was an understatement but one I was thankful for, we had spent too much time avoiding the brother/sister issue and after the blow out with Rhage it would be nice to just have someone to shoot shit with. Although I was sure said talk would involve some firm words and an eye roll or seven. I took one quick glance in the mirror, adjusting the hem of my dress before smiling as I stepped into my heels-Dear Scribe, Jesus, God, Buddha, red necked blond dude…please let this night be issue free. –My eyes lifted and I blew breath quickly making my way out front, climbing into the passenger side of Escalade- Told you…I am quick and really… -waving a hand infront of my face annoyingly as I groaned playfully- Smoking Butch?
-I turned the music down to a tolerable volume so that I could hear Piper as she got in the car.- Oh fuck you. You are so not my mother. My car, I’ll smoke if I fucking want to. -I took one last drag and flicked the cigarette out the window with a huge exhale of smoke.- Besides, I don’t get cancer anymore so screw the quitting thing. Been there, done that. -I was rolling forward before I finally took a look over at you.-You look nice. Don’t think I’ve seen you in much but them scrubs and they aren’t exactly fashion forward. -The SUV practically drove itself, like it knew the way into town and exactly where I wanted to go. Though I did flip off one asshole that rode my bumper like he was fucking it. I chewed the inside of my lip for a few before saying anything.- You grew up with your father didn’t you?
-Laughing hard as I glanced over- Can you imagine me as anyone’s mother? That poor child would be beyond help and probably drive that special bus like his mama. –Smiling as my gaze dropped, hands smoothing the fabric- It’s been a while since I dressed up and thank you. Went with flats too so the accidents should be at a minimum. Well at least the ones involving myself –Groaning softly and shifting my focus out the window, watching the people and places fly by and yes I even snickered when Butch flipped the bird. But his question left me speechless and it took a little longer to answer; chewing at my lip the entire time before peeling my gaze from the window to his- I grew up with the man I thought was my father. But…-Shaking my head chewing my lip even harder- that was a huge ass lie apparently. My uncle…as I called him came around every so often to check in and make sure I was alright. Especially when I started getting older and my “Father” got ill.
Yeah well you don’t want to meet the asshole that raised me. I sure hope the one that raised you did a better job. -I turned my head over my left shoulder to check the blind spot before changing lanes.- How’d you find out? That he wasn’t really your dad I mean. -I flicked the music off entirely because this was a conversation that I actually wanted to hear the answers to.-
-My eyes closed for a moment before opening again- Weird thing…I always knew to some degree. Weird comments or over heard conversations. You know, things that didn’t make sense then, make entirely too much sense now. Plus when I actually read through my “fathers” journal he painted it out pretty clearly.–I couldn’t help but fidget as I continued, twisting and wringing one hand around the other-Then when I saw the picture, it wasn’t that hard to run my blood against his and figure it out. –Shrugging both shoulders and shrinking into my seat- Part of me wishes I was told…but then I hear about how he was with you and I’m thankful I didn’t know.
I didn’t suspect a thing until my senile mother spewed it out when I was there for Thanksgiving. I guess I understand why he beat the shit outta me now though. -I navigated through the streets of Caldwell until I was parked in our standard spot at ZeroSum. I turned off the vehicle and twisted toward you a bit.- Look, Piper. I’ve got no clue if this guy is my dad or not. I’m just saying the resemblance would sure explain a lot. I’ve never met him. Hell, I don’t even know his name. -I hooked a finger under your chin and lifted your head up to look at me.- I think that we should definitely look into it. And if you want to think of me as your brother until we find out for sure, that’s fine with me. Lord knows I can’t stand the rest of my family. -I let go of you and turned to open the door before stopping and looking over my shoulder.- Oh and you should know… if you are my sister… It’s Wrath’s bloodline that we are from. -I gave you a wink before hopping out of the SUV and walking around to open the door for you.-
I don’t understand why he did Butch. Seems like a whole lot of overkill…- I half mumbled the words out, blinking a little when your eyes found mine. Only smiling as I let each word sink in, biting down on my lip to keep from blurting out mid speech with some girly awww. I wasn’t going to lie, having a brother both terrified and enlightened me.- You’re stuck with me regardless of blood, I already think of you all as big brothers anyway. Least I know you adore me secretly. Hell you could have just laughed and called me crazy…-my eyes narrowed playfully- I think you like the little sister idea more than you are letti…-Stopping mid sentence both eyes widening as jaw dropped, gasping as I mumbled- Balls…Wrath?! –Watching as you walk around peering as I slid free from the Escalade and stood to adjust my dress- Fucking hell…of course. Least I know and trust him. Although kinda scared to even bring this to his attention -Laughs- Ready to get your groove on?
-My brows furrowed a bit as I held my hand out to you- You do realize that before I came along Wrath was pretty f’in sure that his whole damn family was dead right? It’s one thing to hate your family and quite another to think that you are the last damn one of them. Course I had to have V do some scary regression thing to find out about the Wrath thing. Heck, I had to go through a lotta weird shit that you probably won’t be wanting to. -I led you around to the front door and didn’t even bother with the line. I knew they would let us right through.- You plan on showing me some moves, sis? -Laughing loudly as the sound of the music hit us like a brick wall. I didn’t usually come here to dance but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t. I sure as hell wasn’t going to let Piper out of my sight. That’s how bad things happened.-
-A sudden wave of guilt washed over me as we walked biting my lip again- I didn’t know, Butch. I wouldn’t have said it. -Turning my head at the bitched scoff as we breezed through, only offering a sweet yet devious grin before disappearing inside- I would pay good money to see you funky chicken right out there -Lifting a hand to motion to the center of the dance floor, my head already bobbing to the bass as it pumped.- I say a drink or two is needed first. Then I’ll dance squares around you -Grinning and adding a little bounce to my step knowing full well I wouldn’t have a very long leash so to speak. And I wasn’t even going to object. Lifting my chin and stopping behind an overgrown monster of a man, tilting my head and debating kicking his ass to get him to move. Grumbling as I chose not too instead tilting my head back- Wanna lead the way? -laughing- Probably better if I don’t kick him huh?
Funky chicken? -Scrunching my face up.- Damn girl, I got smoother moves than that. And if you wanted to square dance we came to the wrong damn place. -Laughing and watching as you eyeball some guy that was easily three times your size.- And you fucking wonder why you always run into trouble when you go out? What the hell is wrong with you? Damn! -I grabbed your elbow and easily winded my way through the general populous until we reached the V.I.P. section.-Someone needs to put a damn collar on you. -I nodded to Iam on my way back to the Brother’s table and he motioned me over to him. I held up my hand to him to hold off a minute and glanced back at you.- You see that table all the way in the back corner? -Leaning down to speak directly into your ear and pointing to the table.- You think that you can manage getting all the way back there without pissing someone off or tripping over something?
Butch! -Rolling my eyes with a sharp snort as you guided me rather fucking quickly towards the VIP, lifting my eyes to yours- I haven’t had a problem before with people moving. I could have made him move other ways –Shrugs a shoulder, catching your wave and wrinkling my brows as I listened yet again- I don’t need a collar and yes I see the table. YES I will walk there without leaving a small trail of disaster in my wake. –Nudging your side before taking a step away and lifting a hand above my head to wave- Can you have them send over a drink? Anything is good. –Peeking back quickly with a reassuring smile before weaving my way towards the table, my curiosity beyond peaked as you moved away and towards someone I couldn’t quite see no matter how I stretched-
They will take care of you. This isn’t the VIP section for nothing. I’m sure you will be good and sauced before I even get back to you. If a waitress offers to take you in the back, you should totally go for that. -I flashed a wide as hell grin and gave you a super cheesy thumbs up, even tossed in a wink.- I’ll even cover that bill. -I was laughing hard by the time I turned back to see what Iam wanted. He arched his brow no doubt wondering what the hell was going on.- You remember Piper. She was in here last time Qhuinn got in trouble. -That actually brought a laugh out of him and I tilted my head curiously. ‘That wasn’t the last time Qhuinn got in trouble but I hear it’s all sorted out now.’ I cursed under my breath and stepped closer to the large male.- What the hell did he do now? I know I said I was going to take care of that mess with him but he still hasn’t come back. -He held up a hand and shook his head. ‘Like I said, it’s all sorted out. Nothing to worry about and it’s not why I called you over here.’ I relaxed a little bit at that and folded my arms over my chest.- Alright then. What’s doin? -Iam jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at some chick that was sitting in a chair looking lost as hell. ‘This female says she needed some help from one of /our/ kind. Least I think that’s what she was implying. Just glad one of you Brothers came along or I would of had to send her to Rehv and he’s not exactly into the caring and sharing thing.’ I took another look at who he pointed to and looked back at the bouncer.- And I’m just the sort of bleeding heart you were looking for? -I waved off any further response.- No, I get it. It’s all good. I got this. -I walked over to the female and tipped my head to look down at her.- Name’s Butch. -I extended a hand in greeting.- We can talk at a table if you want.
Are you offering to pay for a lapdance? Cause I get drunk enough that may happen-I flashed an even wider grin back and settled in my seat. And in no time I already had a drink before me and an overly flirtatious waitress, I could only assume she heard my comment as her lashes batted and she leaned in whispering her name; which I barely heard over the music. Sounded like Berta… or maybe Bertha? I forced the laugh back down deep and threw her a cocky grin as I leaned back in my chair and crossed one leg over the other- Just keep these coming and we will see about the rest. -She giggled, stood there gawking at me her lip pushed out till she realized I was paying more attention to my drink than her. When she finally sauntered away I blew out a breath eyeing Butch curiously then the dance floor. Lifting my ass from the seat before dropping it again with a defeated grumble- I promised..no moving
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