Monday, December 30, 2013

Hello Me, Meet the Real Me

FOLSOM - *having spent the night driving after that fucker Tremez had narrowly escaped me. In my head a string of curses was pumping up my rage. Looking beside me on the passenger seat of my rental, I frowned. I had nothing. Nothing that would help at all. Catching sight of the matchbook I had scooped up with the other shit from his abandoned apartment, I made a grab for it, and scanned the advertisement. It was a bar that Tremez would never go to, and I wondered why it would draw his attention. I had found papers with some fucked up occult lettering on it, and it made me wonder if the source of whatever he had dabbled in could be found there. Taking a turn I headed for the address. I could always use a fucking drink even if it was a dead end*

FOLSOM - *pulling up in the lot behind Zerosum, I got out, and pulled my baseball cap on. I was wearing jeans and a tee and I figured that was good enough to fit in in some shitty club that wasn’t like it was the fucking Ritz. Strolling around to the front door, my heavy boots sounded-on the tile floor as I stopped just inside, letting my eyes adjust. It wasn’t what I have fucking expected for spooky fucks to be hanging out in. Heading for the bar I flashed a toothy grin at the odd androgynous person that was the tender* Johnny Red. Double.

ZSADIST - [Looks over at Butch as he orders another drink. Suddenly feeling the need for some fresh air I murmur] I’ll be right back brother [Says as I rise from the seat and moves out of the club. The cool air hits my face instantly. Taking in a deep breath before darting my eyes up to the stars. After I get a few moments to myself I place my hand on the door only to be drawn to the front as I hear a fight break out. Fucking humans..moving over to the front entrance I watch one of Rehv’s guys break it up. He nods to me and I return the nod before moving in. Big mistake. I get shoved into the sweaty bodies. Hating the feeling of the cramped quarters. I quickly make my way to the main bar blowing out a breath] scribe..[Eyes the bartender] get me goose..

FOLSOM - *from under the brim of the cap I saw Z approach the bar, the scars on his face naturally drawing my gaze. As a prison guard you quickly learned that they all had meaning. Even fucking Mickey Mouse, flipping the bird inked on some dumbfucks ass meant something to him. The way that Z stood, as if he was protecting himself from, well, everything has me intrigued. Fingers lifting to the bill, I tipped the cap back enough to reveal more of my face, and took a long, slow sip of the Johnny set before me*

BUTCH - I watched Z excuse himself and reached into my pocket to get another smoke. It was obvious that the male was having a rough time adjusting to all of the ‘new’ things that he’d never really been a part of before but just the fact that he had me here and was talking about it a bit told me a lot. He wasn’t a big chatter but we had developed somewhat of a comradery. Least that’s the way I saw it. I liked to think it was the hazmat suit that I had him wear. I laughed at that one and pulled up the image on my phone that never got old.-

ZSADIST - [Mutters some what of a thank you to the bartender as I grabbed the drink. Figured I’d drink this then go back up to the cop maybe get one more before heading home. Slowly my black eyes dart over to the shady as fuck human that had his eyes on me the moment I walked by. I hated that shit. Tempted to growl I hold it back willing my fangs to not elongate in a public place. Downing the rest of my drink I lean in over the bar. My tone a bit harsh sounding] Something wrong with my face? [Black eyes meet Folsom baby blue hues]

FOLSOM - *I wasn’t into all this hocus pocus bullshit like the people I had been chasing around, but I swore I could feel energy emanating off Z as he barked out his words, and turned to meet my gaze. Something registered there for a brief moment and I couldn’t be sure, but my instincts told me that. Z was shocked when he saw me. The question was why? Did Tremez have pictures of me he was distributing amongst his goons? Z didn’t strike me as someone that would answer to Tremez. He was brash and I  couldn’t see that dickhead that had killed my family letting him get away with being so rebellious* Wrong? No, wrong isn’t the fucking word I would use. *I wiped the thoughts from the tip of my tongue by running it across my lips. It wouldn’t do to tell Z something like he had a fuckable mouth. Filter. I was in a strange fucking bar, surrounded by people that could be allied with this guy*

BUTCH - I got done with my cigarette and downed my drink and still Z hadn’t come back yet. I noticed that his ‘fresh air’ didn’t  actually take him outside but instead into a more hectic group. My brow furrowed at that one and I wondered what kind of shit was bouncing around in his head and if he was simply getting away from a convo with me. I stood up and left some bills on the table to cover our tab. Even though I’d asked if Z was paying I didn’t actually care about the money part of things. It wasn’t as if this was my cash anyway. I made my way over to Z and noticed him talking to some other guy that I could only see the back of. I didn’t want to horn in on anything but from Z’s tense stance I figured ‘what the hell’. I leaned over the bar and spoke lowly in Z’s ear.- Ready to get the hell outta… -My words stopped short as soon as I saw Folsom. My eyes bulged out of my head.-Who the fuck are you?!

ZSADIST - [Looking over Folsom with a weird expression] Um..[Grunts and scratches my head. Was I losing it? I mean..he looked way too familiar I looked like] cop..[My voice trails off as I see Butch then darts my eyes back to Folsom] I don’t know who he is..[Rolling my shoulders as I feel a bit uncomfortable. I was loosing it wasn’t I?]

FOLSOM - *so focused on Z, I hadn’t seen Butch as he approached us. Hearing his voice, my blue gaze shifted, and his appearance it startled me, and I gave a quick shove away from the bar, away from the freakish clone with my face. As I pushed, the stool beneath me began to topple, and clattered to the floor noisily, sending me sprawling on my ass, staring at Butch from my seat on the floor, my face ashen* What the fuck?!

BUTCH - I moved around Z with almost a shove to stare in shock at Folsom now sprawled out on the floor. My eyes were still bugging out of my head and my hands were knotted up in fists.- Mom’s either got some explaining to do or you are some kinda freaky lab experiment. -my eyes narrowed some- Do you have a belly button? -I shook the thought off as something straight outta sci-fi.- Fuck! What the hell!? -I looked around at the crowd noticing that we were drawing quite a bit of attention and pasted on a smile.- No worries here. Long lost evil twin Nothing strange bout that at all -I laughed nervously and held my hand out to Folsom-Come on now, get up off the floor

ZSADIST - [Looks around at the humans in the club. Pinning some an icy stare I watch them quickly turn around. As Butch helps Folsom off of the floor I pay the bartender then murmurs at Butch] we should take this outside brother mine..

FOLSOM - *there was no fucking way I was taking Butch’s hand. Not while wild images of witches conjuring him, or scientists cloning Butch ran through my head. Scrambling back, still on my ass, not worried about how little of a man I appeared in that brief moment, I struggled to find my voice. What did one say to a near duplicate of themselves when they accidentally ran into them in a bar? Hey stranger what’s your sign didn’t seem appropriate. Pushing myself to my feet as Z suggested we go outside, I finally managed to mutter* Yes out.  *pushing my way through the bar, forcefully when necessary, I exited, and gulped at the fresh air*This can’t be fucking happening. *muttering to myself more than anyone else*

BUTCH - I stared down at my own hand for a minute. Looking at it like maybe I’d grown a second head while I wasn’t  paying attention. Since clearly the whole carbon copy of myself thing had fallen completely under my radar. I couldn’t blame Folsom for backing away from me. Hell I was getting the heebie geebies here as well. The hair on the back of my neck was standing straight up so I could only imagine how Folsom was feeling.- Yeah, I’ve had enough of  this mirror image shit too. -Shaking my head and heading outside. I leaned in next to Z- You have a twin. How do I deal with this? I’m at a total loss here…

ZSADIST - [Blinks as Butch moves in towards me. Grunting I murmur] oh it’s so much fucking fine [snorts] I don’t look like phury though..[Black eyes meet Butch’s hazel ones] have some explaining to do..damn how many siblings you got brother mine [Eyes then move to Folsom taking in his familiar face..there was something about the human]

FOLSOM - *in my mind I was going over the events as they unfolded. I could hear Butch and Z following out behind me, and I debated just what the hell I should do. Turning to confront the pair, my eyes narrowed.* What sort of hocus pocus occult bullshit is this? Did Tremez pay you to do this? To look like me? What the fuck kind of sick joke is this?

BUTCH - I had to give it to Z on that point. He didn’t look much like his twin but I sure as fuck wasn’t going to shave my head or scar up my face just so someone could tell the difference. My eyes lit up a bit.- I know! We shave Folsom’s hair! Problem solved! -I stopped my copy did but the shit he started spewing sure as hell wasn’t helping me any- Aint no one paying me to look this good. Who the hell is this Trazmataz you’re going on about? Is he the mad scientist that thought you up?  

FOLSOM - *listening to Butch speak, he sounded sincere, and generally my gut instincts were dead on. This however, was a whole new level of jacked up that I was unaccustomed to. Digging for my keys, I couldn’t take my eyes off my lookalike, Butch. It was fucking eerie as I looked him over. He’s hair was longer, and he had and East coast accent in opposition to my West coast. It was all a bit too much to digest* Were you born here? *it was the only question I could manage to get out*

BUTCH - Oh sure skip right over that Treemezmer question for a who’s your daddy one. -nodding my head- Makes sense I guess but I still want to know who the hell Traymer is. In case my outrageous accent didn’t give it away, Boston

FOLSOM - *rubbing the back of my neck, I mentally waged war over whether or not I wanted to tell Butch more about Tremez. I guess is was the shared features, but I decided to spill my guts. I spoke quietly and quickly watching Butch and Z as I told the tale* I was a prison guard. Tremez was one of the inmates in my block. I guarded in death row. The day he was scheduled to be executed, I was dealing with his last wishes, when the word came down from the Governor. He had been pardoned. I was midshift. I saw to his release, but I had to work out the rest of my shift. That night, when I got home, it looked like a fucking slaughter house. He had butchered my family. He was kind enough to leave behind Polaroids of him doing so. I’ve chased him for almost three years. In Cali, just outside of San Bernidino, I found his disposable phone before it was disposed of. The last call was made to someone here. I drove across the country, found him at an apartment. It was too late. He had cleared out left a bunch of papers with weird writing, runes? On them. Also left a matchbook for this bar…I thought maybe he was here.

ZSADIST - [Blinks as I hear the horrid story from Folsom All this from a human who sounded like he had just as much to deal with then one of us. I cross my arms across my broad chest studying the two males that looked like..well..twins. The only true difference that I saw was the eyes..which struck me a bit weird. You would think they would share thattrait as well. Something was fishy about all this and I couldn’t place it. Just as I’m about to speak I get this funny feeling then a whiff of the sickening smell of baby powder comes my way. Fuck] don’t mean to break up this-freaky family moment but ah…cop we got company..close by

BUTCH - Each new part of Folsom’s story hit me like a punch to the stomach. I didn’t know if it was because the guy looked like me or what but I could feel it just the same. The detective in me bristled at such irrefutable proof that someone had committed such a terrible crime and yet was still out roaming the streets. I was caught up with my wheels churning through the facts that I didn’t notice the warning signs that always washed over me when a lesser was near. I turned my head toward Z- Family moment?… -And then I felt it. Every hair on my body stood up to take notice. I gritted my teeth and growled at Z- Zsadist… human here… -nodding my head to Folsom-

FOLSOM - *looking from Butch to Z, I had no idea what was happening. What they were talking about. Scanning the area around us I saw nothing, but was suddenly grateful for my carry permit, and I felt back for the gun tucked under my left arm pit*

ZSADIST - Well I can do a jedi mind trick but then there goes this conversation[Raises a brow as I see Folsom reach for what was most likely a gun. I was about to tell butch to stay with the human but no brother would want to stay back on a lesser fight. Grunting I scrub a hand over my face] I haven’t fought in awhile so i’m on this..i’m sorry brother mine…[Looks around before I start to head away from ZeroSum. I was use to be hated on so even if the cop got mad at my sudden decision to bolt towards the lesser I would just deal with it later. No way was I letting this fucker go…nope not tonight]

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